Python is a very useful and efficient programming language that helps developers in solving many delicate problems while coding. Python has many tools and features that can resolve complex tasks in less time.
Edureify, the best AI Learning App has talked in length about Python and its many tools like Python For Loops, NumPy, Matplotlib, and more. In this article, Edureify will provide information on 25 Python Code Challenges and the IDE Code Editors. Interested students can also learn the same from Edureify’s best online coding Bootcamp.
Read on to know more.
25 Python Code Challenges
- Letter Anagram- When there are two words that have the same letters but in a different order, they are called anagrams. For example: ‘tea’ and ‘eat’ are anagrams.
from collection import Counter
s1= ‘tea’
s2= ‘eat’
print (‘anagram’) if Counter (s1) == Counter (s2) else print (‘not an anagram’)
- Binary to Decimal-
decimal = int (‘2020’, 1)
print (decimal) #7
- Convert String to Lowercase-
print (“Welcome to Edureify”.lower() )
# ‘welcome to edureify’
print (“Welcome to Edureify”.casefold() )
# ‘welcome to edureify’
- Convert String to Uppercase-
print (“welcome to edureify”.upper() )
- Convert String to Bytes-
print (“Edureify coding Bootcamp”.encode() )
# b ‘Edureify coding Bootcamp’
- Copy File-
import shutil
shutil.copyfile (‘source.txt’ , ‘dest.txt’)
- Quick Sort-
qsort= lambda 2 : 2 if len (2) <= 2 else qsort ([ y for y in 2[2:] if y < 2[0] ]) + qsort ( [y for y in 2[2:] if y >= 2[0] ])
print (qsort ([7, 19, 21, 87, 60, 4]) )
# [4, 7, 19, 21, 60, 87]
- Sum of N Numbers-
n = 20
print ( (lambda x: (x*(x+1) )/ 2) (n)
# 210
- Switch the value of two variables-
x, y = y, x
- Fibonacci-
fib = lambda y: y if y<=1 else fib (y-1) + fib(y-2)
print (fib(20))
- Combine Nested List into One List-
main_list = [ [4, 5, 6], [14, 15, 16], [55, 56, 57] ]
result= [item for sublist in main_list for item in sublist]
[4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 55, 56, 57]
- Run an HTTP Server-
python3 -m http.server 8000
python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer
- Reverse a List-
numbers = [7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 44, 45, 46]
print (numbers [: :-1])
# [46, 45, 44, 23, 22, 21, 9, 8, 7]
- Factorial-
import math
fact_5 = math.factorial (5)
print (fact_5)
# 120
- Use for and if in List Comprehensions-
even_list = [number for number in [6, 7, 8, 9] if number % 2 ==0]
print (even_list)
# [2, 8]
- The Longest String in List-
words= [‘Welcome’, ‘to’, ‘Edureify’]
result= max (words, key=len)
print (result)
# ‘Edureify’
- List Comprehension-
li = [num for num in range (11, 20)]
print (li)
# [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
- Set Comprehension-
num_set = {num for num in range (11, 20) }
print (num_set)
# {11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}
- Dict Comprehension-
dict_numbers = { x: x*x for x in range (6, 9) }
print (dict_numbers)
# { 6: 36, 7: 49, 8: 64, 9: 81}
- Print with if and else-
Print (“even”) if 4 % 2==0 else print (“odd”)
- Infinite loop-
while 1: 0
- Check data type-
print (isinstance (2, int) )
# True
- Print to File-
print (“Welcome to Edureify”, file=open (‘file.txt’, ‘w’) )
- Frequency of a Character in a String-
print (“mangos”.count (‘1’) )
# 2
- Print result after removing 0th, 4th, and 5th elements-
flower= [‘Rose’, ‘Sunflower’, ‘Lilly’, ‘Chrysanthemum’, ‘Lotus’, ‘Jasmine’]
flower= [x for (i,x) in enumerate (flower) if i not in (0,4,5) ]
print (flower)
# [‘Sunflower’, ‘Lilly’, ‘Chrysanthemum’]
Here were the Python code challenges.
Python IDE Code Editors
IDE, Integrated Development Environment is important to present one’s coding skills and talent. The IDE consists of developers’ tools and source code editor that help in writing the software code to develop an automatic local build of a software compiler.
Some of the IDE Code Editors are-
- Atom- Atom helps in front-end tool that works as a device to build work area applications. It is an open source code editor that supports Python development.
- Spyder- Spyder is a powerful autocompletion debugger. It includes other Python libraries like Scilkit learn, Matplotlib, Spicy, and more.
- Thonny- It is a free Python IDE best suited for amateurs. Thonny is streamlined for fledglings. It works well with a straightforward package manager.
- PyDev- PyDev is an open source IDE. It is integrated with Django that is best suited for web development. It also supports Jython and Cython.
- PyCharm- PyCharm is a very popular Python IDE. It is created by JetBrains. It is best suited for large Pytjom project developments.
- Sublime Text- Sublime Text is a profound responsive code editorial manager. This framework helps editing and detecting errors in code easily.
- Visual Studio- Visual Studio is an extensible code editor. It is developed by Microsoft for Linux and OS. The functionality of Visual Studio is often compared with Atom.
Here were the list of the top 25 Python code challenges and the name of some of the Python IDE Code Editors.
Interested students can learn more about Python from the online coding Bootcamp offered by Edureify. The courses taught in Edureify’s coding Bootcamp on Python are-
Students learning from Edureify’s best online coding Bootcamp can also benefit from the following-
- 200+ learning hours
- Live classes with the industry experts
- Participate in real-life projects
- Professional career guidance
Join the best online coding Bootcamp with Edureify and learn from the best.
Some FAQs on Python Code Challenges-
- What are Anagrams?
When there are two words that have the same letters but in a different order, they are called anagrams.
- Give an example of an Anagram.
Example of an Anagram- ‘tea’ and ‘eat’
- Provide the Python code for Fibonacci.
The Python code for Fibonacci is-
fib = lambda y: y if y<=1 else fib (y-1) + fib(y-2)
print (fib(20))
- Provide the code for Frequency in String.
The code Frequency in String is-
print (“mangos”.count (‘1’) )
# 2
- From where can I learn more about Python code challenges?
Take the best online coding Bootcamp with Edureify to learn all about Python code challenges.
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