The Railway Recruitment Board conducts the RRB Group D exam for various posts in the Railways. RRB is one of the most sought-after government exams that many aspirants across India appear for.
The various posts offered after the successful completion of the RRB Group D exam are-
- Track Maintainer Grade IV
- Helper/ Assistance
- Assistant Postman
- Level-I Posts
There is a total of 1,03,769 vacancies for the RRB Group D qualifiers.
The tentative exam date of the RRB Group D exam for 2022 is somewhere around July. now before the exam fever sets in, the following is a quick revision of the important aspects related to the exam.
Candidates who are interested to appear for the RRB Group D exam must have completed their Class 12, or an equivalent exam. Aspirants who have some other graduate qualifications are also eligible to appear for the exam.
Age Limit
The RRB Group D exam has an age limit for the interested candidates. Interested and eligible candidates who want to appear for the RRB Group D exam must be within the age limit of 18 to 30/33 years.
Exam Pattern
The RRB Group D candidates are selected based on the following criteria-
- Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Document Verification and Medical
Syllabus and Weightage
General awareness, math, science, English, and current affairs are the basic requirements for such competitive government exams. The particular syllabus and their weightage for RRB Group D exams are as follows-
- General Science: 25 questions, 25 marks
- Mathematics: 25 questions, 25 marks
- General Intelligence and Reasoning: 30 questions, 30 marks
- General Awareness and Current Affairs: 20 questions, 20 marks
In total, the RRB Group D exam contains a total of 100 marks. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes.
Now that the information related to the exam is taken care of, Edureify brings to you some important tips that one can use for better and strong preparation for the RRB Group D exam-
- Read daily current affairs-
Current affairs is a very important part of any competitive government exam in India. Edureify understands the importance of daily current affairs and has thus made sure that students do not have to go look anywhere else to stay updated with the trending news. We have curated the important current affairs and have made them easily available for our students. Check out our daily current affairs section to get hold of all the important news.
- Strengthen your weaknesses-
Students tend to fear their weaknesses so much so that they do not want to risk their preparation by focusing on their strengths by assuming they can easily solve questions they are confident in. But for a truly wholesome and strong preparation, it is important to equally divide one’s time to strengthen their weaknesses and also be more confident with their strengths.
Edureify suggests the RRB Group D candidates spend 2 hours daily for the Mathematics, Science, and Reasoning section, and an hour to get updates on the daily current affairs.
- Stay healthy for the Physical Test-
Well, Edureify cannot assist with the physical efficiency test, but we do want the candidates to be fit and healthy when appearing for the PET exam. Freehand exercises and some easy cardio is always a good way of leading a healthy life. Ever since the time of Covid, physical activities have taken a backseat. Edureify suggests students make sure that they do take part in physical exercises as well, and not just focus on the CBT part of the selection process.
Now that July is nearing, Edureify hopes that candidates have ample time to better prepare for the exam. Edureify contains all the subject-wise materials that are a part of the RRB syllabus. With our revised and well-compacted study materials, RRB aspirants will have to go nowhere to look for help for their exam preparation.
So worry no more and get studying for the RRB Group D exam with Edureify for your desired result!
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