Image: ibps rrb clerk exam 2022
Image: ibps rrb clerk exam 2022

There are a total of 5830 vacancies this year for IBPS Clerk’s post. This notification was released on the official website of IBPS and there is a link to download the pdf that contains any such information.

IBPS Clerk 2022 Exam Pattern

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern for Prelims Exam 2022

IBPS Clerk 2022 Preliminary exam contains a total of 100 multiple choice questions of 100 marks with a time duration of an hour. The section-wise division of the number of questions, max marks, and time duration is mentioned in the table below,

Sections No. of Questions Maximum Marks Sectional Duration
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 Questions 100 Marks 60 minutes


Note: To appear for the main exam candidates must qualify for the preliminary exam first.

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern for Main Exam 2022

The main exam of IBPS Clerk 2022 consists of a total of 190 multiple choice type questions that sum up to 200 marks and the time limit is 160 minutes. There are a total of four sections which have different weights and durations as mentioned in the table below:


Sections No. of Questions Maximum Marks Sectional Duration
General/ Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
General English 40 40 35 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
Total 190 Questions 200 Marks 160 minutes


IBPS Clerk 2022 Vacancies

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has issued both state-wise and category-wise vacancies for the post of Clerk in the IBPS Clerk 2022 notification. Candidates must check the vacancies before applying for IBPS Clerk 2022 exam. This year, the highest number of vacancies are in Maharashtra. A total number of 799 vacancies were announced for the state of Maharashtra. The state-wise break-up of IBPS Clerk results is given in the table below. Download the Eduriefy app for more information on the banking exams.

State Name Total Vacancies
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 03
Andhra Pradesh 263
Arunachal Pradesh 11
Assam 156
Bihar 252
Chandigarh 27
Chhattisgarh 89
Dadra and Nagar Haveli/Daman & Diu 02
Delhi 258
Goa 58
Gujarat 357
Haryana 103
Himachal Pradesh 102
Jammu and Kashmir 25
Jharkhand 78
Karnataka 407
Kerala 141
Ladakh 0
Lakshadweep 05
Madhya Pradesh 324
Maharashtra 799
Manipur 06
Meghalaya 09
Mizoram 03
Nagaland 09
Odisha 229
Puducherry 03
Punjab 352
Rajasthan 117
Sikkim 27
Tamil Nadu 268
Telangana 263
Tripura 08
Uttar Pradesh 661
Uttarakhand 49
West Bengal 366
Total 5830


IBPS Clerk 2022 Participating Banks 

A total number of 11 public sector banks are included in the participation of the recruitment process for IBPS Clerk. Below is the list of all the IBPS Clerk participating banks.

  • Bank of Baroda
  • Canara Bank
  • Indian Overseas Bank
  • UCO Bank
  • Bank of India
  • Central Bank of India
  • Punjab National Bank
  • Union Bank of India
  • Bank of Maharashtra
  • Indian Bank
  • Punjab & Sind Bank

To know about IBPS RRB Examination, click here. 

IBPS Clerk Salary

Type of Payment Payment in Rs. Increment in Payment
Initial Basic Pay Rs 11765 A yearly increment of Rs 655 for three years.
Basic Pay after 3 years Rs 13730 A yearly increment of Rs 815 for the completion of three years.
Basic Pay after the completion of 3 years Rs 16175 A yearly increment of Rs 980 for the completion of four years.
Basic Pay after the completion of 4 years Rs 20095 A yearly increment of Rs 1145 for the completion of 7 years.
Basic Pay after the completion of 7 years Rs 28110 A yearly increment of Rs 2120 for the completion of one year.
Basic Pay after the completion of 1 year Rs 30230 A yearly increment of Rs 1310 for the completion of one year.
Basic Pay after the completion of the year Rs 31540 (maximum Basic Pay).


The minimum basic salary of an IBPS Clerk is Rs. 11765/- and the maximum goes up to Rs. 31540 /-.

To know about the IBPS SO examination, click here. 

There are other allowances other than the basic salary of the IBPS Clerk which are listed below,

  • Dearness Allowance: This allowance is about 4 percent of the total Basic Pay. DA is revised every three months as it depends on the CPI.
  • House Rent Allowance: The HRA is based on the location of the posting. It is 8.5 percent of the total Basic Pay for Metro Cities, 7.5 percent of the total Basic Pay for cities that have a population of 5 lakhs or more, and 6.5 percent for the rest of the remaining cities.
  • Travel Allowance: The bank reimburses all the tour and travel expenses that are official.
  • Medical Allowance: An amount of Rs. 2000 is paid annually for the post of IBPS Clerk as a medical allowance.

To know about the IBPS PO examination, click here. 

IBPS Clerk 2022 Syllabus- Prelims

The Preliminary exam for IBPS Clerk has a syllabus that has three subjects that come in the paper. The syllabus has not been changed for many years now and it is supposed to stay the same for the IBPS Clerk 2022.

The name of the three main subjects which are a part of the IBPS Clerk prelims are as follows:

  • English Language
  • Reasoning Ability
  • Numerical Ability

The syllabus for IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims exam is discussed in the table below:

English Language Reading Comprehension, Tenses Rules, Cloze Test(Fill in the Blanks), Jumbled Paragraphs, Idioms and Phrases, Multiple Meaning, Error Spotting Correction, Reading Comprehension, Preposition Rules
Reasoning Ability Logical Reasoning, Alphanumeric Series, Alphabetic Series, Ranking, Data Sufficiency Tests, Coded Inequalities, Direction Test, Seating Arrangements, Puzzles, Tabulation, Syllogism, Input/Output, Coding, and Decoding, Blood Relations
Numerical Ability Profit, Loss and Discounts, Quadratic Equations, Approximation and Simplification, Mixtures and Alligations, Simple and Compound Interest, Surds, and Indices, Work and Time, Speed, Time and Distance, Mensuration: Cone, Sphere, Cylinder, Data Interpretation, Ratio, Proportion and Percentage, Number Systems, Sequences and Series, Permutation, Combination, and Probability


IBPS Clerk 2022 Syllabus- Mains

The syllabus of the Mains exam of the IBPS Clerk contains the topics from preliminary in a much more detailed way. According to the IBPS Clerk Main Syllabus, there are four sections in the syllabus.

The sections of the IBPS Clerk exam syllabus are as follows:

  • General and Financial Awareness
  • General English
  • Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude
  • Quantitative Aptitude
General And Financial Awareness Static GK – Static General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Banking Awareness, India’s Financial and Banking System, Budget and Monetary Plans of the Government, Key National Institutions, Basics of Banking.
General English Vocabulary, Tenses Rules, Grammar, Idioms & Phrases, Reading Comprehension.
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude Reasoning Ability, Analogy, Assumptions and Statements, Syllogism, Coding and Decoding, Blood Relations, Sense of Direction and Distance, Alphanumeric Series, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Computer Aptitude, Basics of Hardware and Software, Operating Systems, Internet, and associated topics, Microsoft Office and other word processing software, History of Computing, Basic Computer Networking, Basics of Databases, Basics of Cyber Security Tools and Processes.
Quantitative Aptitude Ratio and Proportion, Time, Speed and Distance, Work and Time Equations, Mixtures and Alligations, Measures of Central Tendency and Basic Statistics( Mean, Average, Median and Variance, etc.), Stocks, Shares and Debentures, Percentages, Clock Ray Questions, Volume and Surface Area, Logarithms, Permutation and Combination, Partnerships, Heights and Distances, Probability, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit, Loss and Discounts, Basic Algebra, Basic Trigonometry, Charts, Bars and Graphs, Data Interpretation.


IBPS Clerk 2022 Eligibility Criteria

IBPS Clerk Age limit: The minimum age for IBPS Clerk 2022 is 20 years and the maximum age for IBPS Clerk 2022 is 28 years of age. Candidates applying for IBPS Clerk must have been born not earlier than 02.07.1993 and no later than 01.07.2001 (both dates inclusive) as stated by IBPS.

Maximum Age Minimum Age
28 Years 20 Years


Educational Qualification: Candidates having a graduation degree are eligible for bank Clerk posts. Operating and working knowledge on computers and computer systems is a compulsion i.e. candidates having Certificate/ Diploma/ Degree in computer operations/Language/ and candidates who have studied Computer / Information Technology as one of the optional subjects in the High School/College/Institute are eligible for the IBPS Clerk post.

IBPS Clerk 2022 Books

The books for section-wise preparation for IBPS Clerk 2022 exam are given below:

IBPS Clerk 2022 books for the English Language

For both prelims and mains exams, candidates can study from the following books for this section:

High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin
Objective General English by Arihant Publications
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis


Other than these, candidates can also study the rules of grammar and everyday usage of English from NCERT books of Class 9 and 10.

IBPS Clerk 2022 Books for Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Ability section is important as questions from the reasoning section are asked in both the prelims and the main exam of the IBPS Clerk 2022 exam. For the preparation of this section, candidates can take the help of the following books:

To do the best in the Reasoning Ability section which is present in both prelims and mains exam, candidates should study from the following books

Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Agarwal
Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey


IBPS Clerk 2022 Books for Quantitative Aptitude

For a better understanding of Quantitative Aptitude refer to these books:

Quantitative Aptitude by R S Agarwal
Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma
Fast Track Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma


IBPS Clerk 2022 Books for General and Financial Awareness

Reading the magazines, and newspapers and watching news channels will help candidates get a hold of this section and will keep them updated on recent events. Following is a list of books that may come in handy,

India Year Book
Manorama Yearbook
Banking Awareness by Arihant Publications
Lucent’s GK book


IBPS Clerk 2022 Books for Computer Aptitude

The books listed below are good for studying Computer Aptitude,

Computer Knowledge by Disha Publication
Computer Awareness by Arihant Publication


Candidates can also refer to NCERT Class 11 and 12 books to clear the basic concepts.

IBPS Clerk 2022 Important Dates

Knowing the dates for the IBPS Clerk exam is as important as any other aspect of the exam. It is essential that candidates set their timetables according to these dates and manage their studies, application filling, and every other exam-related action before the last date of that event.

To do that candidates must have an idea of the exact dates of events that happen according to the exam.

IBPS Clerk 2022 Events Dates (Tentative)
IBPS Clerk Notification 2022 Release Date 11th July 2022
IBPS Clerk Online Application Starts From 12th July 2022
Online Fee Payment Starts 12th July 2022
Online Fee Payment ends 01st August 2022
IBPS Clerk Last Date Online Application 01st August 2022
IBPS Clerk Prelims Admit Card August 2022
IBPS Clerk Exam Date 2022 Prelims 28th-29th August and 04th September 2022
Result of IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam September 2022
Call letter for Mains Exam October 2022
Conduct of Online Mains Examination 31st October 2022
Declaration of Final Result January 2022

How to crack IBPS Clerk 2022 in one attempt

The IBPS Clerk 2022 Preparation tips are as follows:

  1. Candidates must obtain knowledge of everything there is to know about the IBPS Clerk Exam.
  2. Candidates must be acknowledged about the IBPS Clerk Eligibility Criteria to know whether they are eligible or not.
  3. Candidates must know the updated version of the IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern and the Syllabus. This way, there will be no confusion regarding the exam.
  4. Candidates must do the exam analysis of IBPS Clerk Prelims to get a good understanding of how difficult the topics in the exam are going to be.
  5. By doing an Analysis for the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam, candidates will come up with a better exam strategy and management.
  6. Studying the books will give candidates a better understanding of the concepts and topics that come in the exam.
  7. Making a timetable is necessary. With a proper timetable candidates, can get the best out of themselves.
  8. The numerical and logical reasoning sections require practice. Solve as many questions as you are comfortable with daily.
  9. Also, try solving the IBPS Clerk test series and IBPS Clerk’s previous year papers to gain more confidence.

If a candidate follows these tips for IBPS Clerk Exam 2022, then he/she will get a good score in the exam and will clear the exam on the first attempt.

IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2022

The IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2022 is a very important document that consists of crucial information regarding the candidate, exam center, and exam timings. On the exam day, all candidates need to carry their admit cards and valid ID proof along with them.

IBPS Clerk 2022 Admit Card Specifications

The key points about IBPS Clerk 2020 Admit Card are tabulated below:

IBPS Clerk Call Letters Issuing Body Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
Mode of Availability  Online
IBPS Clerk Admit Card Issued at
IBPS Clerk Admit Card Stages Pre-exam training, Prelims, Main exam
Credentials required to access hall ticket Registration Number, Date of Birth/ Password
Documents to carry with admit card Original Valid Identity Proof with its xerox copy and Two passport size photos


IBPS Clerk 2022 Result

The Result of the IBPS Clerk exam will be declared after the year 2022. The result can be checked by visiting the official website of IBPS.

To check the IBPS Clerk 2022 Result follow these steps,

  • Go to the official website.
  • There, enter all the credentials asked while logging in, the credentials are Roll Number/ Registration Number and Date of Birth as password (DD/MM/YYYY).
  • Candidates will need to enter a CAPTCHA code. Do enter it.
  • Now at the bottom, there is a login button, click on it.
  • Candidates will be able to see their results after they log in.

The IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2022 will be declared before the IBPS Clerk mains result.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the IBPS Clerk 2022 apply online website?

The IBPS Clerk 2022 apply online website is

  • Where can I see the IBPS Clerk mains cut off?

The IBPS Clerk Mains Cut Off will be available on the official website of IBPS.

  • What is the IBPS Clerk full form?

The IBPS Clerk’s full form is The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

  • What is the best book for IBPS Clerk?

The best book for IBPS Clerk depends on which section you are studying for.

  • What is the last date for fee submission of the application form?

The last date for fee submission of the application form is 1st August 2022.

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