Student agrees to pay Course fee ₹300,000.00 (Processed by Our Banking Partner) only (hereinafter called “Program Fee”) towards enrollment into Full Stack Developer Bootcamp (hereinafter called “Program”) with “Job Guarantee (Job Guarantee Policy)” starting on [Course start date] (hereinafter called Start Date). Edureify agrees to grant Student a Certificate of Accomplishment indicating the date of completion (hereinafter called “Graduation Date”) upon successful completion of all required coursework (lessons, assignments, projects, tests, mock interviews, etc.) in accordance with the evaluation criteria laid out by Edureify.

Edureify agrees to reimburse the Program Fee if the student does not receive a job offer in any company for any role or an appraisal within their current company (hereinafter called “Qualifying Job”) during the period beginning with the Start Date and ending 365 days after Graduation Date (hereinafter referred to as “Guarantee Period”), subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. You are 18 years or older as of the Agreement


  1. You hold or are pursuing a bachelor’s degree from an accredited educational institution in a technical program that includes coursework in mathematics, statistics, and/or computer programming as of the Agreement Date. If you drop out from your degree or fail to complete it before the end of the Guarantee Period, you will not be eligible for reimbursement of the Program


  1. You are proficient in spoken and written English, as determined by interactions with the Edureify team and/or via an online


  1. You are an Indian citizen, residing in India, and legally eligible to work in India for no less than 1 year after the Graduation



  1. You have no pending or registered case against you in any court of law, police or any other government or civic body either in India or any overseas


  1. You are able to pass any background checks associated with jobs that you apply Without limiting


the foregoing, if you fail to obtain a job offer within the Guarantee Period directly or partially due to your failure to pass a background check associated with the job offer, you will not be eligible for reimbursement of the Program Fee.


  1. Your Graduation Date is no later than 365 days after Start Date e., you must complete the program successfully within one year.


  1. You have prepared your Resume and professional profiles (LinkedIn, GitHub, Edureify, ) in accordance with guidelines and feedback from the Edureify team.


  1. You must always act with reasonable and good faith efforts to obtain a Qualifying Job. You must not refuse to participate in hiring tests and interviews recommended by the Edureify placement


  1. You have applied for a minimum of 30 jobs per month between your Graduation Date and the last date of the Guarantee Period. Your applications must be recorded into a job tracking spreadsheet provided by Edureify, along with screenshots of application submission confirmation pages/emails.


  1. You will not be eligible for reimbursement of the Program Fee if you receive an offer for a Qualifying Job but refuse to accept

12. You will not be eligible for reimbursement of the Program Fee, in the following cases:

  • If you do have not minimum 90% attendance throughout the course
  • If you have not been able to clear modules Test & Assignment
  • If you have not achieved 70% marks on the Project report
  • If you have not appeared for the mock interviews
  • If you are willingly not clearing the interviews
  • If you have not successfully completed the internship with the assigned company


  1. If you engage in any dishonest, malicious, or unprofessional behavior or action during the Guarantee Period (including plagiarism), you will not be eligible for reimbursement of the Program Fee and may be expelled from the


  1. Your combined annual income from all sources (occupation, business, assets, gifts, ) at the end of the Guarantee Period is lower than the minimum CTC of a Qualifying Job.


  1. You are not currently enrolled and have not received confirmation of admission into a higher education program (e.g., masters, MTech, MBA, ) at the end of the Guarantee Period.


  1. You certify that all the information that you have provided to Edureify during the Guarantee Period is true and complete to the best of your knowledge


  1. The guarantee stands null and void if you don’t clear the interviews, demanding only remote or work-from-home jobs or asking for jobs only in a particular city/state/nation/region.


  1. EMI will get started as scheduled in case of any kind of batch change.
  2. Guarantee period dropout clauses:
Training Period Stage Program Fee Refund
First 7 Days 100%
Within the First 21 Days 50%
After 21 Days  Zero


Edureify Refund Policy

20. This drop-out clause is also applicable if you breach the Edureify Code of Conduct and career policy

If you believe you qualify for reimbursement of the Program Fee, you must provide a written and signed certification within 30 days after the end of the Guarantee Period indicating that you have met all of the above terms and conditions, along with supporting documentation (signed agreement, job tracker spreadsheet, application screenshots, offer letters, payslips, etc.) via email to [email protected].


Upon approval of your request, Edureify will issue the reimbursement of the Program Fee within 30 days of approval.


The governing law of the agreement shall be Indian law and Hon’ble Courts at Delhi shall alone have jurisdiction to entertain any case arising from the present agreement.

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