Google engineers designed Go while waiting for other programs to compile. Their frustration at their tool set forced them to rethink system programming from the ground up, creating a lean, mean, and compiled solution that allows for massive multi threading, concurrency, and performance under pressure.
- Running Go on modern hardware—and even inside containers or on virtual machines—can be a real pleasure. Because Go was designed to run on multiple cores, it is built to support concurrency and scale as cores are added. Further, its multi threading capabilities—most specifically, its goroutines—are a surprising and welcome addition to your bag of tricks.
Built for concurrency
Before we dig in further, let’s look at goroutines. These are essentially concurrent functions that run while the rest of the program completes. In other words, you can fire off a goroutine, have it run, and keep going while it and thousands of its brethren process in the background. Network timeout? Don’t worry, your goroutine will manage it while the main loop continues. Complete database failure? Your goroutine will know, and you can gracefully work around the issue. Learn more about Go language with the Bootcamp coding courses at Edureify.
Go Programming Language
Keeping everything mentioned above in mind, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson made Go a compiled, concurrent, garbage-collected, statically-typed language. They wanted to make the most effective language for the community, from programmers who know to program inside out.
Despite being twelve years old, Go is still gaining popularity, an often-used programming language thanks to its unique advantages served up in one convenient package. What also made Go popular is the fact that Go is a general-purpose language (GPL) directed at creating backends. At the Strange Loop conference in 2012, Andrew Gerrand introduced Go as the “code that grows with grace”. Some of Golang’s strengths (listed below) prove that this quotation is still up-to-date.
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Simplicity of Code
Go’s syntax is relatively small, and has stayed more or less the same without any big changes. What’s more, there is only one standard code format (generated by the fmt tool). The lack of changes in the Go syntax also helps developers. It stays almost the same, so the code isn’t over complicated, and there is no necessity to learn new paradigms or syntax. That makes it transparent, and easy to learn and understand. All this can be reduced to one statement from the Go creators: the promise of compatibility. If you use a new version of Go, almost all programs written in the older versions of the programming language will still compile and run without requiring any changes. That makes it easy to maintain. Try our bootcamp coding courses at Edureify.
If a program supports a concurrency paradigm it means that it can handle multiple tasks/actions (seemingly) at the same time in overlapping periods. Go supports the concurrency paradigm natively, and it allows multi-threading, multi-processing, and asynchrony. The Golang runtime scheduler helps to manage all actions (Goroutines) that are created and need processor time. Channels also help – these typed conduits synchronize Goroutines and make communication between them more efficient and fluent.
These aren’t the only Go features that are willingly used by engineers – dependency management, the power of runtime reflection, garbage collection, and components are also notable benefits. Download the Edureify app now to know about more opportunities.
Why Learn Go Programming Language?
Why Learn Go? It was created by Google to solve Google-sized problems. This has made it very popular with other companies solving massive scaling challenges. It’s also one of the fastest-growing programming languages released in the last ten years.
These factors = great job prospects. There are 20,000+ job postings listed for Go programmers (just in the United States) and their average salary is $100,000 / year, according to a verified source.
So, yes, definitely Golang is worth learning in 2022 and beyond. Learning Golang or Gol Programming language can boost your career and also help you to get a job at Google, which is the dream of many software developers. Also read about the SQL, Python, JAVA, R language, etc from our courses.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question:- Why should you learn to go language?
Answer:- Golang is also one of the fastest-growing languages in terms of popularity, which means learning Go can open new doors of opportunity and can also help you to get a job at Google, given they use Go a lot. If you are improving your tech skills, it’s a great time to pick up the basics of Golang.
Question:- What is special about the Go language?
Answer:- Golang benefits programmers and businesses. It offers high performance and the ability to run code quickly. It signals incorrect type use errors during compilation. It can be used for high- and low-level programming and is based on multiple programming paradigms. It has a built-in garbage collector.
Question:- Are Golang developers in demand?
Answer:- Golang is great for creating micro services, so in the future, the demand for such programmers will only grow. There are not many Golang developers, so they are paid higher. Middle and Senior Golang developers tend to get higher salaries compared to developers of other programming languages.
Question:- What can we do with Golang?
Answer:- What can I do with Golang
- Building web apps and static sites.
- Write distributed apps.
- Almost everything you can do with Python, PHP, and Java.
- Web scraping.
- Server development (JSON API, Chat system, Web server)
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