Image: LIC AAO Exam 2022
Image: LIC AAO Exam 2022

LIC is India’s largest life insurance company. It has offices all over the country and is always looking for new employees to help with its ever-expanding insurance business. The LIC AAO full form is (Assistant Administrative Officers). Every year, LIC hires Assistant Administrative Officers (AAO) through the LIC AAO test in order to keep the business moving forward and offer useful products based on consumer input.

The LIC AAO is the most important functionary in the LIC office because all of the office’s business requires his/her approval. The position comes with a good salary and other benefits. This is why a huge number of people apply for the exam. 

  • The LIC AAO exam is divided into three stages: the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview.
  • The prelims are only for qualifying purposes, and the final merit list will be based on the marks obtained in the main exam and the interview.


On this page, candidates will find information about the examination, the eligibility criteria, the examination pattern, the different phases of the examination, and the LIC AAO Results.

Important Highlights
Exam Name LIC AAO Exam
Conducting Body Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)
Exam Level National
Vacancies 168
Exam Frequency  Once a year (Occasionally)
Medium of Exam English/Hindi
Application Fees ₹ 700 (General category) 
₹ 85 (Reserved category)
Exam Mode        Online
Mains Exam Date 31st October 2022
Shortlisted Candidates List (PDF) Check Here
Official Website   Click Here
Official Notification Check Here


LIC AAO Generalist Exam – Total Vacancies

The total number of vacancies for LIC AAO Recruitment 2022 had been announced to be 168. Most vacancies are for the position of LIC AAO (IT). 

The table below contains information on the LIC AAO vacancy for various positions.

Post SC ST OBC EWS Unreserved Total
AAO (Chartered Accountant) 6 3 11 4 16 40
AAO (Actuarial) 4 3 8 3 12 30
AAO (Legal) 7 3 10 4 16 40
AAO (Rajbhasha) 1 1 2 0 4 8
AAO (IT) 7 4 14 5 20 50
Total 25 14 45 16 68 168


Note – 


  • The total number of vacancies and reserved vacancies are provisional and may change depending on LIC’s actual needs.
  • Candidates should only apply for ONE position. If a candidate applies for more than one position, all of his or her applications will be rejected.


For more study materials on important topics for LIC AAO Exam 2022, download Edureify, the best Learning App. 

LIC AAO Generalist Exam – Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must verify that they satisfy all of the qualifying conditions before taking the LIC AAO Generalist test. The eligibility conditions are the minimum requirements that candidates must meet. To apply for the position of LIC AAO, candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements, which are listed below.


Age Limit

According to the official notification, the date for age calculation is February 1, 2022. The candidate must be at least 21 years old and not older than 30 years old (The applicant must have been born between February 2nd, 1990 and February 2nd, 1999).

Minimum Age Limit 21 Years
Maximum Age Limit 30 Years


Age Relaxation

Candidates’ upper age limit can be relaxed depending on their category. The table below shows the age relaxation allowed for each of these categories.

Category Age Relaxation
SC/ST 5 years
OBC  3 Years
PwBD(Gen)  10 years
PwBD(SC/ST)  15 years
PwBD(OBC) 13 years
ECO/SSCO (GEN) 5 years
ECO/SSCO (SC/ST) 10 years
ECO/SSCO (SC/ST) 8 years
Confirmed LIC employees  Further relaxation of 5 years


Educational Qualification

Because there are functionally different positions notified under the LIC AAO umbrella exam, the educational qualifications required for all of the posts vary. 


The following are the post-specific educational requirements – 


For AAO (Chartered Accountant)

  • Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Indian University/Institution, and must have passed the Institute of Chartered Accountant’s Final Examination, and completed the Institute of Chartered Accountant’s Articles. 
  • The candidate must be an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Candidates must give their membership number, which will be verified with the Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants.


For AAO (Actuarial)

  • Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University/Institution and must have passed 6 or more papers of the examination conducted by the Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, the UK as of the date of eligibility, which is February 1st, 2022. 
  • Candidates must provide their membership number, which will be verified with the Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries of the United Kingdom.


For AAO (Rajbhasha)

Candidates may possess any of the following qualifications – 

  • A postgraduate master’s degree in Hindi/Hindi translation, with English as one of the subjects studied at the bachelor’s degree level.
  • A postgraduate master’s degree in English with Hindi as one of the subjects studied at the bachelor’s level.
  • A Postgraduate Master’s Degree in Sanskrit, with English and Hindi as Bachelor’s degree subjects.


For AAO (Legal)

  • Candidates must hold a Bachelor of Laws or a Master of Laws degree from a recognized Indian university/institution. A minimum of three years of bartending experience is necessary.


For AAO (IT)

  • A bachelor’s degree in engineering (computer science, information technology, or electronics), or an MCA or MSC (computer science) from a recognized Indian university or institution is required.


LIC AAO Generalist Exam – Application Process

The Life Insurance Corporation of India organizes the AAO test at the national level, and candidates from all around the country can apply. The Assistant Administrative Officer test is given for a variety of specialties, each with a unique work profile. 


The information needed by candidates for the application procedure is listed below –

Steps Involved in the LIC AAO Generalist Application Process

The steps for applying for the position of LIC AAO are as follows – 

  • Visit the official website of LIC.
  • Select the ‘Career’ area from the home page.
  • Click on the LIC AAO generalist recruitment 2022 announcement.
  • When you click on the notice, the booklet will be downloaded to your computer (make sure your desktop settings allow pop-ups).
  • Fill out the AAO LIC application form after carefully reading the instruction booklet.
  • Upload a scanned copy of your signature and a photo of yourself (check the required size and dimensions).
  • Then, press the submit button.
  • Make a payment for a form of application.
  • For your convenience, print the form.


Application Fee

Applicants must pay the application costs in order to finish the application process. The LIC AAO 2022 Application Fees for various categories are as follows – 

Category Application Fees
Others Rs. 700
SC/ST/PwBD Rs. 85


Documents Required

Candidates must provide the following documents along with their AAO  LIC  application form. The following required documents are included in the table below –

Document Dimension Size
Photograph of the Candidate 200 x 230 pixels 20 kb–50 kb
Signature 140 x 60 pixels 10 kb-20 kb
Left thumb impression 240 x 240 pixels in 200 DPI 20 KB – 50 KB
Handwritten Declaration 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI 50 KB – 100 KB


LIC AAO Generalist Exam – Exam Pattern

LIC AAO exam pattern consists of two examinations. Candidates must pass both the Prelims and Mains tests to be considered for an interview. Candidates who pass the preliminary exam are shortlisted for the main exam, and the ultimate selection is based on the interview.


Prelims Exam Pattern

  • Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English are the three components of the LIC AAO test format. 
  • The questions will be multiple choice. There will be 100 questions, each earning one point.
  • The LIC AAO exam pattern for prelims will be given entirely online. 
  • The sections, total questions in each part, marks allocated, and time duration of the LIC AAO Prelims exam are listed in the table below.


Sections No. Of Questions Max. Marks Time Duration
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 mins
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 mins
English Language 30 30 20 mins
Total 100 70 60 mins


Mains Exam Pattern

  • The main exam will comprise both objective and descriptive tests.
  • The Objective Test will be worth 300 points, while the Descriptive Test will be worth 25 points.
  • The Objective Test will have different scheduling for each component. 
  • The tests will comprise areas such as Reasoning Ability, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Data Analysis and Interpretation, and Insurance and Financial Market Awareness. 
  • Following the completion of the objective test, the descriptive test will be administered.




Maximum Marks


Minimum Qualifying Marks Duration


SC/ST Others
Reasoning Ability 90 40 45 40 Minutes
General Knowledge, Current Affairs 60 27 30 20 Minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation 90 40 45 40 Minutes
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness 60 27 30 20 Minutes
Total 300     2 Hours
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 25* 9 10 30 Minutes


LIC AAO Generalist Exam – Syllabus

The LIC AAO Syllabus is essential for success in the LIC AAO prelims test. The LIC AAO Syllabus outlines the approach to preparing for the LIC AAO prelims test. The LIC AAO course is extremely similar to the banking tests, and students who are prepared for banking and other clerical exams may easily pass the LIC AAO exam because there is no negative marking. The LIC AAO Generalist Syllabus for prelims is shown below per subject.


Reasoning Ability

Seating Arrangements Coding-Decoding Blood Relations
Direction Test    Puzzles Order and Ranking
Input-Output Inequalities Alphabet and Number Series
Statement, Arguments, and Conclusion Syllogism Machine Input-Output
Analytical Reasoning Logical Reasoning Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series


Quantitative Aptitude

Simplification Number Series HCF and LCM
Simple and Compound Interest Profit and Loss Permutation and Combination
Problem on Ages Work and Time Speed, Distance and Time
Probability Average Boats and Streams


English Language

Parts of Speech Subject-Verb Agreement Error Corrections
Sentence Improvement Spotting Errors Antonyms and Synonyms
Active and Passive Voice Direct and Indirect Speech Idioms and Phrases
Singular-Plural Para-jumbles Fillers


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