Until a specific condition is met, a collection of functions or instructions can be executed continuously thanks to a feature called looping. The for loop, while loop, and do-while loop are the three forms of loops offered by Java. In Java, loops are also referred to as looping constructs or iterating statements.

Scope of the article

  • We will learn about the various loop types that are available in Java in this tutorial.
  • Additionally, the syntax and significance of looping constructs will be covered.
  • We’ll also look at the Java loop’s constituent parts.
  • Finally, we’ll discover how Java’s nested loops work. We’ll also make an effort to comprehend the various benefits and drawbacks of the existing loops.

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Looping Constructs

Java statements known as “looping constructs” enable a series of instructions to be carried out again so long as a specific condition holds true.

  • The for loop, while loop, and do-while loop are the three forms of loops available in Java. While do-while loop is an exit-controlled loop, for and while loops are entry-controlled loops.
  • The routine of programmers, i.e., their everyday work, is a very clear illustration of a loop. Eat, Sleep, Code, and Repeat.

Importance of Looping Constructs in JAVA

A computer is best suited for doing repeated tasks since it can work nonstop for thousands of times. Loops are required because

  • Loops make it possible to “Write less, Do more” since we don’t have to keep writing the same code.
  • They make the Code smaller.
  • Loops facilitate smooth control flow.
  • They also lessen the complexity of time and space because loops are quicker and more practical than recursion.

Elements of Loops in JAVA

(1)Body of the Loop: The body of the loop contains the statements that will be executed repeatedly. They are carried out up until the loop’s condition is met.

 (2)Update Expression(s): In this case, we update the loop variable’s value (s). It is used to ensure that the loop ends at a specific time. Once the loop’s body has been completed, it is then carried out. Since the values of loop variables are often either increased or decreased, it is also known as an increment/decrement expression.

(3)Test Expression:– It is a boolean expression, which is the test condition. Depending on its value, the loop will either continue or end. If the condition is met, the control enters the loop; if not, it is stopped. As opposed to an entry-controlled loop, which evaluates the test expression before it enters, an exit-controlled loop evaluates the test expression before it exits.

(4)Initialization Expression(s):- Initialization is only performed once before the loop is initiated. Here, we either declare and initialize any control variables we’ll be using, or we just initialize the variables we’ll be using for the loop. Additionally, we can initialise multiple variables.

To see if we can finish the tasks, we evaluate a variety of scenarios, including resource availability, events that are already planned, etc. For instance, we check for a strong internet connection before attending online classes. Test expressions may be relevant in this context.

The duties are then finished, as in the body of the loop (eat-sleep-code). The following day, we perform the same procedure.

Do-While Loop

Do-while is similar to the while loop, with the exception that the condition is verified after the body of the loop has been assessed. A prime example of an exit-controlled loop is the do-while loop.

After one iteration of the loop, the condition is checked to determine whether to repeat it. Regardless of the test condition, this loop executes at least once and as many times as the test condition evaluates to true. The only loop with a semicolon is this one.

 If the condition is false, for and while loops are not evaluated. In some circumstances, regardless of the initial condition of the test expression, it is desired that the loop-body executes at least once. The do-while loop is utilized in this situation.

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