One of the most popular and desired programming languages is Python. The top AI learning app, Edureify, places a high value on teaching students the various programming languages and tools so they can become proficient developers or coders.

In the past, Edureify has offered information on a variety of Python topics, including Pyscripts, Python for Loop, and more. Edureify will discuss NumPy in Python, a framework library for array processing, in this article.

What is Python’s NumPy?

Numerical Python is referred to as NumPy. The Python data structure library NumPy is easy to use but has a lot of functionality for working with arrays. It is an n-dimensional array on which the majority of Python’s data science toolkits are built.

Along with multidimensional array objects, NumPy also includes a selection of routines for processing the arrays. It enables arrays to be subjected to logical and mathematical processes. For Python’s scientific computing, NumPy serves as the standard foundation.

Benefits of NumPy

The features of NumPy are as follows:

  • Being open-source
  • Its strong N-dimensional array object integrates C/C++ and Fortran programming.
  • Contains handy random number generation, linear algebra, and

Why use NumPy?

Working with Python For Loops is really beneficial.But developers can gain a lot from utilising and studying NumPy as well. Use of NumPy has the advantages listed below:

The C-written algorithm in NumPy is fast. As a result, it operates exceedingly quickly—within nanoseconds.

Less Repeats: It cuts down on loops. NumPy prevents complications from arising during the programming.

Python Arrays

Most of the multidimensional arrays in NumPy are homogenous arrays. It is they-

  • A list of numerical components formed by a tuple of positive integers, most of which are of the same kind
  • Axes are the name given to the dimensions in NumPy, and rank is the quantity of axes.
  • Array is the name of NumPy’s array class.

# Python program to demonstrate

# basic array characteristics

import numpy as np

# Creating array object

arr = np.array( [[ 1, 2, 3],

[ 4, 2, 5]] )

# Printing type of arr object

print(“Array is of type: “, type(arr))

# Printing array dimensions (axes)

print(“No. of dimensions: “, arr.ndim)

# Printing shape of array

print(“Shape of array: “, arr.shape)

# Printing size (total number of elements) of array

print(“Size of array: “, arr.size)

# Printing type of elements in array

print(“Array stores elements of type: “, arr.dtype)


Array is of type:  

No. of dimensions:  2

Shape of array:  (2, 3)

Size of array:  6

Array stores elements of type:  int64

Array creation in NumPy

The methods for creating Arrays using NumPy are as follows:

  • Array functions are used to convert a conventional Python list or tuple into an array. This kind of array can be inferred from the sequences’ elements’ types.
  • The majority of an array’s components are unknown, but its size is known. Numerous NumPy routines allow you to generate arrays with little to no placeholder data. Because growing the arrays is an expensive process, it is not necessary here. np.zeros, np.ones, np.empty, etc. are a few examples.
  • NumPy has a method that is comparable to a range for creating integers, but it returns arrays rather than lists.
  • Arrange returns the evenly spaced values and the step within a specified time frame.

How to Index an Array

It’s critical to understand the fundamentals of array indexing in order to manipulate and analyse array objects more effectively. The methods for array indexing in NumPy are as follows:

  • Slicing: NumPy arrays support slicing, just as lists in Python. As the arrays can be multidimensional, one needs to define the slice for each dimension.
  • Indexing an integer array entails passing lists for each dimension for indexing. The corresponding elements are mapped one to one in order to create a new arbitrary array.
  • Boolean array indexing is a technique used to select elements from an array that meet specific criteria.

Activities of NumPy

With the help of its built-in arithmetic functions, NumPy is capable of a wide variety of mathematical operations.

  • Single-Array Operation: When creating a new array, element-wise operations on an existing array can be performed using overloaded arithmetic operators.
  • Unary Operators: The ndarray class’s method offers a variety of unary operations.
  • Universal Functions: NumPy offers a variety of mathematical operations, including sin, cos, exp, and more. These functions perform element wise operations on an array to provide an array output.

Edureify with its online coding courses teaches students important tools and programming languages like-

  • Python
  • C Language
  • C++
  • Python For Loops
  • Pyscript
  • Global and Local variables in Python, and more

With Edureify’s coding courses students can also benefit from-

  • 200+ learning hours
  • Live classes with the industry experts
  • Access to recorded lectures
  • Doubts solved instantly
  • Professional career guidance


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