Image: Synonyms English Preparation
Image: Synonyms English Preparation

English is one of the major parts of any competitive government exam’s syllabus. The various competitive exams of India like WBCS, SSC, Banking, and Railways have English as one of their important part of the exams.

Having a good English vocabulary, and knowing words, phrases, and proverbs are the basic topics that are asked in the competitive government exams. Synonyms, antonyms, and proverbs are the main focus of aspirants appearing for these exams. Edureify knows the need and demand of getting a good stock of words and has therefore curated a well-bound vocabulary that will help students who are appearing for the competitive government exams.

Synonyms, as mentioned above, are one of the main topics from which questions are asked. Now, what are synonyms?

Read on to know everything about synonyms and get a list of all the latest words that are marked as important according to the latest circular.

 For more lists of synonyms download the Edureify AI Learning App.

What are Synonyms?

To give a very bookish definition, synonyms are words or phrases that mean exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase.

For example-

The word ‘Start’ is synonymous to ‘Begin’, ‘Commence’, ‘Initiate’, and more.

The English language has many such words and phrases that are synonymous with each other.


List of important words according to the latest circular

With the meaning of synonyms understood, the following is a table of important words, their meaning, and their synonyms that can help aspirants better prepare for the upcoming competitive government exams.

S.No. Word/ Phrases Meaning Synonyms
1.       Vigilant Keenly watchful to detect danger Alert, watchful, attentive, observant
2.       Avaricious Characterized by greed Greedy, grasping, rapacious, miserly
3.       Exorbitant Exceeding the bounds of custom, propriety, or reason, especially in amount or extent Outrageous, extortionate, excessive
4.       Retrospect A contemplation of the past; a survey of past time, events Review, hindsight, remembering
5.       Beneficiary A person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages Recipient, heir, legatee, payee
6.       Subsume To bring under a rule Incorporate, include, embrace, encompass
7.       Shear To cut Trim, crop, clip, prune
8.       High-handedness Power or authority that is used more forcefully than is needed, without thinking about the feelings or wishes of other people Autocratic, absolute, bossy
9.       Put the cap on To establish a clear upper limit for something Limit, set a boundary, restrict
10.    Call all hands to the deck A call for those to help with a situation All the help that you can get, all possible assistance, every possible assistance
11.  Anger  A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility  Enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle 
12.  Abundant  Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful  Plentiful, copious, ample, large 
13.  Aid  Help, typically of a practical nature  Assistance, support, a helping hand
14.  Antagonize  To cause someone to become hostile  Estrange, anger, provoke, irritate
15.  Brave  Ready to face and endure danger or pain Courageous, fearless, valiant 
16.  Brief  A short duration, not lasting for long Short, fleeting, hurried
17.  Calm  Not showing or feeling anger, nervousness, or any kind of strong emotion Serene, tranquil, peaceful 
18.  Crooked  Bent or twisted out of shape, 


Dishonest, illegal 

Bent, contorted, unlawful, dubious
19.  Definite  Free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity  Particular, specific, certain
20.  Dull  Lacking interest or excitement, 


Lacking brightness or shine 

Uninteresting, tedious, muted, somber 
21.  Eager  Strongly wanting to do or want something  Anxious, longing, ardent 
22.  Extravagant  Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources Spendthrift, profligate, expensive 
23.  Fair  Treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination Just, open-minded, honest
24.  Fiend  An evil spirit or demon,


An enthusiast or devotee of a particular thing

Demon, evil, devotee, fan
25.  False  Not according to truth or fact  Incorrect, wrong, untruthful, forged
26.  Get  Come to have  Acquire, obtain, receive 
27.  Great  Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average  Considerable, sizeable, significant
28.  Gross The total amount of something Total, whole, overall, complete
29.  Humane  Having or showing compassion or benevolence Compassionate, kind, considerate
30.  Honorable  Bringing or deserving honor  Ethical, principled, righteous
31.  Harmony  The combination of pleasing musical sounds, or

The art of being cordial with all

Euphony, melodious, or

Concord, agreement

32.  Ideal  Satisfying one’s concept of what is perfect Perfect, supreme, absolute
33.  Illegal  Contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law Unlawful, illicit, felonious 
34.  Lade  Put cargo on board  Pack, scoop, bail
35.  Malice  The desire to harm someone; ill will Spite, animosity, hostility
36.  Manner  A way in which a thing is done or happens Fashion, mode, system 
37.  Parochial  Having a limited or narrow outlook or scope Small-minded, provincial, insular 
38.  Paraphrase  Express a meaning of something by using different words to achieve more clarity  Rephrase, rewrite, restate 
39.  Predicament  A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation  Mess, plight, crisis 
40.  Reveal  Make things known to others  Disclose, open up, circulate 
41.  Resign  Voluntarily leave a job  Quit, step down, leave 
42.  Sacrifice  Give up for the sake of other considerations  Abandon, forfeit, waive 
43.  Sample  A small part or quantity is intended to show what the whole thing is like  Specimen, representative, illustrative
44.  Salary  A typical payment made by an employer and received by an employee on a monthly basis Remuneration, earnings, stipend
45.  Tolerance  The capacity to endure continued subjection to something uncomfortable  Sufferance, patience, forbearance 
46.  Umpire  An official who watches a game or match closely to enforce the rules and maintain the decorum of the game Referee, moderator, the arbitrator
47.  Unwanted  Not or no longer desired  Unwelcome, undesired, unfavorable 
48.  Urgent  Requiring immediate action or attention  Pressing, dire, desperate 
49.  Untoward  Unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient  Unforeseen, awkward, unwelcome 
50.  Unfair  Not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice  Unjust, prejudiced, preferential 


Image : flash card for synonyms
Image : flash card for synonyms

Here was a list of all the latest important words according to the new circular of the government exams.

Edureify has a particular section dedicated to English. This section is updated as per the latest syllabus and even for students of classes 6 to 12 of the CBSE board. To improve their vocabulary and test themselves, students can avail the flashcards, mock tests, and quizzes available on the Edureify site.


Some FAQs about Synonyms-

  1. What are the 3 latest words or phrases added to the list of important vocabulary for the competitive government exams? Give examples with their synonyms.

From the latest words and phrases that are considered important for the competitive government exams, here are three examples and their synonyms-

  Exorbitant- outrageous, extortionate, excessive

  Put the cap on the- limit, set a boundary, restrict

  Subsume- incorporate, include, embrace, encompass

  1. What are synonyms?

Synonyms are words or phrases that mean exactly or nearly the same as other words or phrases.

  1. Where can I get flashcards for synonyms?

Edureify! Edureify, the AI Learning App, has the best flashcards, or concept cards that will help students improve their vocabulary and even practice quizzes.

  1. What are the synonyms of the word ‘Shear’?

The synonyms of the word ‘Shear’ are- trim, crop, clip, and prune.

  1. What are the synonyms of the word ‘Vigilant’?

The synonyms of the word ‘Vigilant’ are- alert, watchful, attentive, and observant. 


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