The Union Public Service Commission conducts the examination of ESE EC and those who want to make a dream career in the engineering sector have a good opportunity.
The IES exam will be conducted once a year. The IES exam preparation is a task that should be filled with the determination of working hard and then making a perfect strategy so that you can clear the IES exam on the first attempt.
You must check out this article by Eduriefy which will guide you comprehensively throughout the IES exam preparation. This article will also help in sorting out the different sources of preparation for the IES Exam 2022. The examination is conducted in three stages i.e. Preliminary, Mains, and Interview.
How to Apply for the IES Examination 2022?
As you know that the application dates are out and the candidates must be looking forward to filling up the application form.
Here the steps are given which will guide you in applying for the IES Exam 2022.
- Candidates have to complete the application process in two parts. The two parts are the Registration and the application.
- The first step is the IES exam registration. For this, you have to go to the official website of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
- For registration, you have to provide the following details.
- Name of the Candidate
- Email ID
- Phone number of the candidate
- The candidates are advised to check the emails. You must check the emails ending with and should make sure that these emails are redirected to the inbox and not to the spam folder.
- The registration number will be sent to your Email.
- You have to log in through the registration number and the date of birth.
- Once done with the logging-in procedure, fill in all the details that have been asked.
- Upload the documents as asked by the commission.
- Pay the online application fees as per the category to which you belong.
- Make sure that you preview the application form once.
- Submit the application form and print it for future reference.
- Make sure that you don’t have multiple applications. This can create confusion.
- If due for any reason you have made multiple applications, then the application which is made more recently will be considered final.
- There is a provision for withdrawal of the IES 2022 exam application form which the candidate can opt for if he/she doesn’t want to appear for the examination.
IES Exam Eligibility 2022
The IES Exam eligibility criteria for 2022 must be seen before the application procedure. The IES 2022 notification has certain categories of eligibility criteria which need to be fulfilled by every candidate. The IES Exam Eligibility criteria 2022 is released and the candidates can check the same from the given points.
- Nationality,
- Age of the candidates,
- Educational Qualifications,
- Medical Examination,
- Physical Standards.
A candidate must be either:
(a)Citizen of India, or
(b) A subject of Nepal, or
(c)A subject of Bhutan, or
(d) Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
(e)A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently setting in India.
Age Limit
Category | Age Limit |
Minimum age | 21 years |
Maximum Age | 30 years |
Educational Qualifications
The IES Exam Eligibility also comprises the Educational qualifications and all of them are discussed here which can help the candidates immensely.
- Obtained a degree in Engineering from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
- Passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examination of the Institution of Engineers (India).
- Obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such conditions as may be recognized by the Government for the purpose from time to time.
- Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India).
- Passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India.
- Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November 1959.
Among all these, one criterion should be filled by the candidate.
ESE IES syllabus 2022- Prelims and Mains!
The IES comprises three and among them, two of them are knowledge-based. Candidates must see the ESE ISE EC syllabus before starting the exam preparation. The official notification has prescribed one syllabus for both stages.
The major difference between the Prelims and the Mains is that the Prelims will be objective in nature and the Mains will be descriptive in nature.
Name of the Subjects | Topics |
Basic Electronics Engineering | Basics of semiconductors; Diode/Transistor basics and characteristics; Diodes for different uses; Junction & Field Effect
Transistors (BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs); Transistor amplifiers of different types, oscillators, and other circuits; Basics of Integrated Circuits (ICs); Bipolar, MOS, and CMOS ICs; Basics of linear ICs, operational amplifiers, and their applications‐ linear/non‐linear; Optical sources/detectors; Basics of Optoelectronics and its applications. |
Basic Electrical Engineering | DC circuits ohm’s & Kirchoff’s laws, mesh and nodal analysis, circuit theorems; Electromagnetism, Faraday’s & Lenz’s
laws, induced EMF and its uses; Single‐phase AC circuits; Transformers, efficiency; Basics‐DC machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines; Electrical power sources‐ basics: hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, wind, solar; Basics of batteries and their uses. |
Material Science |
Electrical Engineering materials; Crystal structure & defects; Ceramic materials‐structures, composites, processing and uses; Insulating laminates for electronics, structures, properties, and uses; Magnetic materials, basics, classification, ferrites, Ferro/para‐magnetic materials, and components; Nano materials‐basics, preparation, purification, sintering, nano particles and uses; Nano‐optical/magnetic/electronic materials and uses; Superconductivity, uses. El |
Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation | Principles of measurement, accuracy, precision, and standards; Analog and Digital systems for measurement, measuring
instruments for different applications; Static/dynamic characteristics of measurement systems, errors, statistical analysis and curve fitting; Measurement systems for non‐electrical quantities; Basics of telemetry; Different types of transducers and displays; Data acquisition system basics. |
Network Theory |
Network graphs & matrices; Wye‐Delta transformation; Linear constant coefficient differential equations‐ time domain analysis of RLC circuits; Solution of network equations using Laplace transforms‐ frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits; 2‐port network parameters‐driving point & transfer functions; State equations for networks; Steady state sinusoidal analysis. |
Analog and Digital Circuit | Small signal equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTS, and FETs; Diode circuits for different uses; Biasing & stability of BJT & JFET
amplifier circuits; Analysis/design of amplifier‐ single/multi‐stage; Feedback & uses; Active filters, timers, multipliers, wave shaping, A/D‐D/A converters; Boolean Algebra & uses; Logic gates, Digital IC families, Combinatorial/sequential circuits; Basics of multiplexers, counters/registers/ memories /microprocessors, design & applications. |
Paper 2 Syllabus of IES Exam 2022
Name of the Subjects | Topics |
Analog and Digital Communications Systems | Random signals, noise, probability theory, information theory;
Analog versus digital communication & applications: Systems‐ AM, FM, transmitters/receivers, theory/practice/ standards, SNR comparison; Digital communication basics: Sampling, quantizing, coding, PCM, DPCM, multiplexing‐audio/video; Digital modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK; Multiple access: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA; Optical communication: fiber optics, theory, practice/standards. |
Control System | Classification of signals and systems; Application of signal and
system theory; System realization; Transforms And their applications; Signal flow graphs, Routh‐Hurwitz criteria, root loci, Nyquist/Bode plots; Feedback systems‐open & closed loop types, stability analysis, steady-state, transient, and frequency response analysis; Design of control systems, compensators, elements of lead/lag compensation, PID, and industrial controllers. Computer Organization and Architect. The basic architecture, CPU, I/O organization, memory organization |
Computer Knowledge | Basic architecture, CPU, I/O organization, memory organization,
peripheral devices, trends; Hardware /software issues; Data representation & Programming; Operating systems basics, processes, characteristics, applications; Memory management, virtual memory, file systems, protection & security; Databases, different types, characteristics, and designs; Transactions and concurrency control; Elements of programming languages, typical example. |
Electrical Magnets | Elements of vector calculus, Maxwell’s equations‐basic concepts;
Gauss’, and Stokes’ theorems; Wave propagation through different media; Transmission Lines‐different types, basics, Smith’s chart, impedance matching/transformation, S‐parameters, pulse excitation, uses; Waveguides‐basics, rectangular types, modes, cut‐off frequency, dispersion, dielectric types; Antennas‐radiation pattern, monopoles/dipoles, gain, arrays‐active/passive, theory, use. |
Advanced Electronics |
VLSI technology: Processing, lithography, interconnects, packaging, testing; VLSI design: Principles, MUX/ROM/PLA‐based design, Moore & Mealy circuit design; Pipeline concepts & functions; Design for testability, examples; DSP: Discrete-time signals/systems use; Digital filters: FIR/IIR types, design, speech/audio/radar signal processing uses; Microprocessors & microcontrollers, basics, interrupts, DMA, instruction sets, interfacing; Controllers & uses; Embedded systems. |
Advanced Communication Topics | Communication networks: Principles /practices /technologies /uses /OSI model/security; Basic packet multiplexed
streams/scheduling; Cellular networks, types, analysis, protocols (TCP/TCP IP); Microwave & satellite communication: Terrestrial/space type LOS systems, block schematics link calculations, system design; Communication satellites, orbits, characteristics, systems, uses; Fiber‐optic communication systems, block schematics, link calculations, and system design. |
IES Exam Pattern 2022
The IES Exam notification has been released and it clearly says that the exam has three stages in the examination i.e.Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. The exam pattern for all the stages of the IES Exam is discussed.
We will be starting with the Preliminary stage of the examination.
Preliminary Stage of the examination
Subject | Duration | Maximum marks |
Paper 1 | 2 hours | 200 |
Paper 2 | 3 hours | 300 |
Candidates must note the following things through the IES Exam pattern 2022:-
- There will be two papers in the examination.
- Paper one will be of 2 hours and Paper two will be of 3 hours.
- Negative marking is applicable in the examination.
- Candidates who pass the preliminary examination will be given the chance to appear for the IES Mains examination 2022.
Mains Examination-IES 2022
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Paper 1 | 3 hours | 300 |
Paper 2 | 3 hours | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Stage 3:- Interview Stage
The third stage of the examination is the interview stage and the candidates who are selected in the Mains examination are allowed to appear in the Interview stage. The final result is prepared after considering the Mains and the Interview marks.
The total marks in the Interview stage are 200 marks and the Interview is of around 25 to 30 minutes.
- There will be two papers in the examination.
- Paper one will be of 2 hours and Paper two will be of 3 hours.
- Negative marking is applicable in the examination.
- Candidates who pass the preliminary examination will be given the chance to appear for the IES Mains examination 2022.
Events | Specifications |
Release of notification | 22nd September 2021 |
Online Application Dates | 22nd September 2021 to 12th October 2021 |
IES Admit card(Preliminary) | 15th February 2022(Released) |
IES Preliminary examination | 20th February 2022 |
Results | To be announced |
IES ESE Mains Application Dates | To be announced |
Mains Admit Card | To be announced |
Mains Exam date-IES | 26th June 2022 |
IES Mains Results | To be announced |
Interview DAF filing Dates | To be announced |
Interview | To be announced |
IES Final Result | To be announced |
Direct link to download the official notification | IES Official notification |
Annual Package for IES 2022 Post
Once the candidates complete the probation period, the candidates will be provided with an annual package for the IES 2022 post. The pay matrix level includes the Grade Pay, Pay Band, Allowances, and other benefits.
Name of the Post | Annual Package |
IES 2022 (After probation period) | Rs. 50,200 |
IES 2022 (During probation period) | Rs. 54,200 to Rs.1,08,000 |
Salary Structure for IES 2022 Post
Along with the fixed pay, the candidates are also given some fixed allowances in the IES 2022. All of them are mentioned here.
Salary Structure |
House Rent Allowance |
Fuel Expenses |
Foreign Travel |
Deputation Allowance |
Medical Allowance |
Provident Fund |
TA on retiring |
TA on Transfer |
Daily Allowance |
Dearness Allowance |
Subsidized Bills |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question no 1:- What is the conducting body of the IES ESE EC Exam?
Answer:- The conducting body for the IES ESE Exam is the Union Public Service Commission.
Question no 2:-What is the Prelims Date for the IES ESE EC Exam?
Answer:- The preliminary exam will be conducted on 22nd January 2022.
Question no 3:- When was the notification for the IES ESE Exam released?
Answer:-The IES ESE notification was released on 06th October 2022 on the official website of the UPSC.
Question no 4:-What is the age eligibility criteria for the IES ESE EC Exam?
Answer:- The age criteria for the candidates are that the minimum age should be 21 years and the maximum age limit is 32 years. There are also some relaxation rules which you can see in the main article.
Question no 5:-What is the minimum educational qualification required for the IES ESE EC Exam 2022?
Answer:– The minimum educational qualification required for the IES ESE EC Exam 2022 is that the candidates must have passed their Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in engineering or any equivalent stream. The final-year students cannot apply for this.
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