Edureify, the best AI Learning App has previously talked about Python, its various courses, Python For Loop, Pyscript, and more. In this article, Edureify will discuss about the Global Variables in Python.
Read on to know all about the Global Variables in Python.
What is the Global Variable in Python?
In a very technical definition, “Global Variable in Python means having a scope throughout the program, which means the global variable value is accessible throughout the program unless shadowed.”
To better understand, here is the definition of variable scope in Python–
In a Python program, the variable scope refers to the parts and boundaries where a variable is available, accessible, and visible. There are mainly four types of scope for Python variables which are-
- Local
- Enclosing
- Global
- Built-in
Together these four scope variables are called LEGB.
Now going back to Global Variable, a global variable in Python is declared at the top of the program. The variables that are declared outside of a function are known as Global Variables.
In Python, global variables can be accessed both inside and outside the function.
Global Variable Syntax
The following is the syntax of the global variable in Python-
X= “sampleGlobalValue” Def fn1():
Creating Global Variables in Python
Programmers need to declare the variable outside the function or in a global scope to create a global variable in Python.
Here is an example-
x= “First Global Variable” #Global Variable declaration def myfunc(): print(“Python Global Variable Value Is: “ +x) myfunc() Output: Python Global Variable Is: First Global Variable
Accessing Global Variable Inside and Outside of the Function
Let us begin with an example- x= “First Global Variable” #Global Variable declaration def myfunc(): print(“Accessing Inside a function: “ +x) myfunc() print(“Accessing Outside a function: “ +x)
Accessing Inside a function: First Global Variable Accessing Outside a function: First Global Variable
According to the example, a global variable is declared and accessed both inside and outside of the function.
Note: The program will show an error if one tries to modify the global scope variable value inside a function. Error UnboundLocalError will appear if one tries to modify the variable value inside a function. While modifying, Python treats x as a local variable, but x is also not defined inside the function myfunc().
Global Keyword
When one tries to modify the variable value inside the function, the program shows an error. Now, to modify the global variable outside its current scope and meaning, the Global keyword is used. The Global keyword is used to make changes in a local context in the global variable. The keyword ‘Global’ is used to create or declare a global variable inside a function.
To enable the creation of global variables inside the function and which can be accessible in a global scope, the global keyword comes into play.
def func(): Global Variable
def myfunc(): global x #Creating global scope variable inside a function x = “awesome global scope” print(“Printing Inside a Function: “ + x) myfunc() print(“Printing Outside a Function: “ + x)
Printing Inside a Function: awesome global scope Printing Outside a Function: awesome global scope
Programmers need to keep in mind the following rules of the ‘global’ keyword-
- Creating a variable inside the function makes it in the local context by default
- Creating or defining a variable outside the function makes it a default global context, one does not need to mention the global keyword here
- Global keywords are used to read or modify the global variable inside a function
- There will not be any effect of a global keyword used outside of a function
Local Variable
Unlike Global Variable, Local Variable is declared inside the function. The benefit of the local variable is it can be accessed within the function itself.
Example of Local Variable-
def circle(): pi= 3.142 #I could have also used “math” library (math pi) radius= 5 #Interger value for radius area_of_circle= pi* (radius)** 2 print (“The area of the circle is : “, area_of_circle) circumference_of_circle= 2* pi* radius #Accessing the global variables inside the function circle()
The area of the circle is: 78.55
Here were the examples and details of Global Variable Keyword in Python. The coding Bootcamp job-ready courses offered by Edureify also aims to adept students with all the important skills and help them learn all about the various programming languages. Learning about the global variable in Python and more will be easy with Edureify because of the following-
- Get to learn from the industry experts
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- Students will get 200+ learning hours with our 6 months program that includes 2 months of coding Bootcamp
- With our expert guidance and mentorship, students will get professional guidance and job opportunities from our job portal
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- Students will be able to get all their doubts cleared easily
Edureify also has educative articles on Heroku, Ruby, Swift, JavaScript, Python For Loop, and other programming languages and tools to help students learn more. Study along with Edureify to learn such technical skills.
Some FAQs on Global Variables in Python-
1. What is variable scope in Python?
In a Python program, the variable scope refers to the parts and boundaries where a variable is available, accessible, and visible.
2. What are the four types of scope for Python variables?
There are mainly four types of scope for Python variables which are-
- Local
- Enclosing
- Global
- Built-in
Together these four scope variables are called LEGB.
3. What is a Global Variable in Python?
In a very technical definition, “Global Variable in Python means having a scope throughout the program, which means the global variable value is accessible throughout the program unless shadowed.”
4. What is the Global Variable syntax in Python?
The following is the syntax of the global variable in Python-
X= “sampleGlobalValue” Def fn1(): 5. From where can I learn more about Python?
Edureify’s coding Bootcamp job-ready courses teach everything related to Python and more.
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