The Hypertext Markup Language, HTML, is a formatting system that helps display material retrieved over the internet. The HTML language helps understand the codes of web pages that contain hypertext links. In today’s computer-based world, HTML is one of the most important languages that the IT sector requires in its employees.

Edureify brings the list of 50 HTML symbols to help our students who are interested in learning the language.

Before providing the list of 50 symbols, here are some basic rules of HTML-

  •   The entity name must always be preceded by the ‘&’ symbol and followed by the ‘;’ semicolon. For example- &not ;
  •   For writing HTML codes, the entity name must be preceded by the ‘&’ symbol and hash ‘#’ symbol, and followed by ‘;’. For example- &#60 ;

List of 50 HTML Symbols

S.No. Name Symbol
1.       Plus Sign &plus ;
2.       Minus Sign &minus ;
3.       Multiplication Sign &times ;
4.       Division Sign &divide ;
5.       Equals Sign &equals ;
6.       Not Equal Sign &equals ;
7.       Not Sign &not ;
8.       Greater Than Sign &gt ;
9.       Less Than Sign &lt ;
10.    Much Greater Than Sign &Gt ;
11.    Much Less Than Sign &Lt ;
12.    Not Greater Than Sign &ngt ;
13.    Not Less Than Sign &nlt ;
14.    Degree Sign &deg ;
15.    Percentage Sign &percnt ;
16.    Dollar Sign &dollar ;
17.    Cent Sign &cent ;
18.    Euro Sign &euro ;
19.    Pound Sign &pound ;
20.    Yen Sign &yen ;
21.    Full Stop &period ;
22.    Comma &comma ;
23.    Colon &colon ;
24.    Semicolon &semi ;
25.    Reversed Semicolon &bsemi ;
26.    Exclamation Mark &excl ;
27.    Number Sign &num ;
28.    Slash &sol ;
29.    Backslash &bsol ;
30.    Left Square Bracket &lbrack ;
31.    Right Square Bracket &rbrack ;
32.    Left Curly Brace &lbrace ;
33.    Right Curly Brace &rbrace ;
34.    Underscore &lowbar ;
35.    Hyphen &hyphen ;
36.    Bullet Point &bull ;
37.    Hyphen Bullet &hybull ;
38.    Apostrophe &apos ;
39.    Quotation Mark &quot ;
40.    Long Rightward Arrow &xrarr ;
41.    Long Leftward Arrow &xharr ;
42.    Alpha &Alpha ;
43.    Beta &Beta ;
44.    Gamma &Gamma ;
45.    Delta &Delta ;
46.    Epsilon &Epsilon ;
47.    Zeta &Zeta ;
48.    Theta &Theta ;
49.    Eta &Eta ;
50.    Lambda &Lambda ;


HTML is one of the most fundamental tools that is used for coding. Some of the salient features of HTML are-

  • HTML helps understand the webpage layout. It shows where the Header, Footer, and paragraphs belong, and where the images, videos, and graphics are placed.
  • The Browsers translate the HTML content and make it appear on our screens in the way we can view it
  • HTML is the universal language that accepts and makes websites ‘findable’ by search engines

Some of the advantages and uses of HTML are-

  • It is widely used
  • All the browsers support HTML
  • It is easy to learn and use
  • One does not need to purchase extra software to use HTML
  • New programmers can also easily use and learn HTML
  • HTML is rapidly used for data storage like XML syntax


Here was the list of 50 HTML symbols. Edureify, the best AI Learning App makes sure that its students, irrespective of which stage of learning have all the study materials they need for better preparation. For those who would like to learn more about HTML, study along with Edureify.

New programmers who would like to know more about coding languages like HTML and what are the prerequisites to begin coding, read our How to Become a Software Developer Without Any Degree article. If students are further interested in learning about coding check out Edureify’s coding site to learn more.


Some FAQs about HTML-

1. What is HTML?

HTML, Hypertext Markup Language is the language of the World Wide Web. It is the standard text formatting language that helps create and display pages on the Web.

2. What is formatting in HTML?

The process to format text for a better look and feel is HTML formatting. Formatting uses different tags to make the texts italicized, underlined, and bold.

3. What are Tags?

HTML uses tags to create HTML documents and render their properties. The HTML tags are made of three things-

  • Opening tag
  • Content tag
  • Ending tag

4. What is the symbol of Underscore in HTML?

The symbol of Underscore in HTML is- &lowbar ;

5. From where can I learn more about HTML symbols?

Edureify! Edureify will help students learn more about HTML with its interactive videos, contents, and study materials. 

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