Image: CSS Interview Questions
Image: CSS Interview Questions

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages — for example, to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features. This module provides a gentle beginning to your path towards CSS mastery with the basics of how it works, what the syntax looks like, and how you can start using it to add styling to HTML.

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 Interview Questions

Question: What is CSS?

Answer: CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a styling language that is simple enough for HTML elements that find usage in web designing. Besides, the application of CSS is also found in XHTML.

Question: What are the different variations of CSS?

Answer: The different variations of CSS include:

  • CSS 4
  • CSS 3
  • CSS 2.1
  • CSS 2
  • CSS 1

Question: What are the benefits of using CSS?

Answer: There are multiple benefits of using CSS, such as:

  • Accessibility
  • Page reformatting
  • Site-wide consistency
  • Bandwidth
  • Separation of the bandwidth of presentation

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Question: What are the disadvantages of CSS?

Answer: The disadvantages of using CSS are:

Target-specific texts, styling, and rules are not allowed.

There are no expressions.

There is no dynamic behavior to control pseudo-class.

It is not possible to ascend by selectors.

Question: What is meant by CSS frameworks?

Answer: CSS frameworks are pre-planned libraries, allowing a more convenient web page styling that is also compliant with standards.

Question: Give a few examples of modules found in the present version of CSS.

Answer: Some of the commonly used modules in CSS include:

  • Box Model
  • Selectors
  • Text effects
  • Backgrounds and Borders
  • Animations
  • 2D/3D Transformations

Question: What is the difference between CSS2 and CSS3?

Answer: In CSS2, everything is present in a single document while CSS3 is categorized into multiple sections called modules.

Graphics-related features such as Box-shadow or Border-radius, flexbox, etc. can be found which are absent in the use of CSS2.

Properties such as background-position, background image, and background-repeat styles can help use multiple background images in a single webpage. To know more about the Bootcamp coding courses, go to the Edureify coding section now.

Question: What do you understand by CSS opacity?

Answer: The technical definition of opacity is the degree to which light is allowed to pass through an object.

CSS opacity is the property used to describe the transparency of an element. Or, in other words, it explains how clear the image is.

Question: How can image repetition of the backup be controlled?

Answer: Background-repetition property controls the repetition of images in the background. Use no-repeat if the image is to be displayed once in the background.

Question: What is the use of the background-position property?

Answer: It can be used to define the initial position of a background image. The default position is the top left of the page. The positions that can be set include top, bottom, left, right, and center.

Read more about CSS by going through the article.

Question: Which property controls the image scroll in the background?

Answer: Image scroll in the background can be controlled using the background-scroll property.

Question: Why should background and color be used as separate properties?

Answer: This is done with mainly two purposes:

It makes the style sheets more legible. Background property, which is complex in itself, becomes all the more complex with color.

Color is an in-built property while the background is not one. And this can lead to a lot of confusion.

Question: How to center block elements using CSS1?

Answer: To center the block-level elements, we need to set the margin-right and margin-left properties to explicit values.

Question: How to maintain the CSS specifications?

Answer: It is maintained using the World Wide Web Consortium.

Question: What are the ways to integrate CSS as a web page?

There are three methods to integrate CSS in the form of a web page:

Embedded: There can be a style element inside the head element inside which we can place the code.

Inline: CSS applied HTML elements can be found using style attributes.

Question:- What does CSS mean?

Ans:- Cascading Style Sheets

HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides the structure of the page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices.

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Question:- What are the 3 types of CSS?

Answer:- There are three types of CSS which are given below:

Inline CSS.

Internal or Embedded CSS.

External CSS.

Question:-Difference Between HTML and CSS?

Answer:- HTML is a markup language used to create static web pages and web applications. CSS is a style sheet language responsible for the presentation of documents written in a markup language.

Question:- Is CSS a framework?

Answer:- A CSS framework is a library allowing for easier, more standards-compliant web design using the Cascading Style Sheets language. Most of these frameworks contain at least a grid.

Question:- Give some limitations of CSS.

Answer: There are certain limitations of CSS that are:

  • We cannot perform any logical operation with CSS.
  • CSS cannot deal with databases.
  • CSS cannot request a web page.

Question:- Name some frameworks of CSS.


  • Bootstrap
  • Foundation
  • Bulma
  • Ulkit
  • Semantic UI

Question:-  What is a framework?

Answer: A framework is a group of codes that call your code and perform a task.

Question:- What components do we keep in mind when we use CSS to style HTML?


  • Selector
  • Property
  • Value

Question:-  What is a selector in CSS?

Answer: A selector is an HTML tag that we can use to target a specific element on an HTML web page for styling, and the selector could be any tag such as <div> and <p>.

Question:- What are the type and universal selectors?

Answer: Whenever we want to style a tag, we need to select it. When we select a specific type of tag, that selection is known as type selection. For example, let us perform a type selector on the heading tag.

Question:- What is the descendant selector in CSS?

Answer: In CSS, when we use a tag inside another tag and only want to style that nested tag, we use the descendant selector. For example, here, we only want to change the color of the text within the emphasized tags that are inside the ordered list tags.

Question:- What are class selectors in CSS?

Answer: Class is an HTML attribute, and to perform styling on classes, we use the class selector. To select a specific class, we use the class name in the CSS code. In the class selector, instead of selecting a tag, we select the class attribute.

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Question:- What is a property in CSS?

Answer: A property is defined as a type of style performed on the selector. Some common CSS properties are color and border.

Question:- What is opacity in CSS?

Answer: Opacity is a property in CSS that is used to alter the transparency level of an object, especially images.

Question:- What is a declaration box in CSS?

Answer: A declaration box is a block of statements inside the curly braces, and those statements could be properties and values.

Question:- What is responsive web design?

Answer: Responsive web design, aka RWD, is a method of creating a webpage that can perfectly display on different devices, such as tablets, desktops, mobiles, and laptops. With a responsive web design, we do not have to create web pages separately for different devices, and the display of the web page automatically adjusts according to the display size of the device. Download the Edureify app now to know more about the same.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question:- What is CSS Short answer?

Answer:- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It’s a style sheet language that determines how the elements/contents in the page are looked at/shown. CSS is used to develop a consistent look and feel for all the pages. CSS was developed and is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Question:- Why is CSS used?

Answer:- CSS stands for cascading style sheets. In short, CSS is a design language that makes a website look more appealing than just plain or uninspiring pieces of text. Whereas HTML largely determines textual content, CSS determines the visual structure, layout, and aesthetics.

Question:- What is CSS language?

Answer:- CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language.

Question:- How many types of CSS are there?

three types

Answer:- There are three types of CSS which are given below: Inline CSS. Internal or Embedded CSS. External CSS.

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