The need for high-functioning and efficient programming languages and libraries is essential for programmers. Edureify, the best AI Learning App has come up with a comprehensive online coding Bootcamp that teaches students all the essential coding courses.

In this article, Edureify will provide information on the RxJs programming language, an asynchronous programming language framework. Read on to know more.

What are RxJs?

RxJs stands for Reactive Extension for JavaScript. RxJs is a Reactive Programming JavaScript library that works with asynchronous data calls, event-based programs, and callbacks. RxJs implements the observable type which is a requirement till the type becomes a part of the language and is supported by the browser. The operators of RxJs are inspired by Array#extras that allow handling asynchronous events as collections.

RxJs, a JavaScript library, has introduced the concept of ‘reactive programming’. It helps in writing assembly lines in software applications. It enables one to write software that can be reusable, configurable, and asynchronous.

What is Reactive Programming?

Reactive Programming is a declarative programming library that helps with data streams and bringing changes. Reactive Programming is a unique way of building software applications. The program has a unique way of expressing static arrays and even dynamic event emitters data streams. Reactive Programming also specifies whether within an associated execution model an existing inferred dependency can affect the automatic propagation of the changed data flow.

Functionalities of RxJs

The RxJs library has utility functions, i.e., the functionalities used for creating and working with observables. The functions of the utilities are-

  • Convert the existing code for async operations into observables
  • Repeat the values in a stream
  • Different types of mapping values
  • Streams filtering
  • Generate multiple streams

Features of RxJs

The following are some of the important features of RxJs along with some of their examples-

  • Observable- Observables are used to represent the idea for a feasible idea of future values or events. The observables are defined as a function that attaches a created observer to a value expected source.


import { from } from 'rxjs';
const array = ['Four', 'Five', 'Six'];
 * Result will be exactly the same
                      (val) => console.log(val), // next
                      undefined, // error
                      undefined, // complete


  • Observer- These are callback collections that specify how to decipher the values that are provided by the Observable. When a user needs to interact with Observable they can specify the object with next (), error (), and complete () methods.
  • Subscription- This feature of RxJs represents the execution of an Observable. Its main function is to cancel the execution.


import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { PartialObserver } from "rxjs/src/internal/types";
const timer$ = new Observable<number>(subscriber => {   
    let iteration = 11;   
    const intervalId = setInterval(() => {     
       if (iteration === 20) {         
       }     ;  
 }, 500);    
     return () => {    
         console.log(' Cleaned');   
const observer = {   
     next: (val) => console.log(val),
    error: (error) => console.log("Error to console:", error),  
    complete: () => console.log(' Completed')
} as PartialObserver<number>



Note- Because the further execution is canceled, one will not be able to see the completed text in the console result.

  • Operators- The Operators function is used to work with collections like map, filter, concat, etc. while enabling them with a functional programming style. The Operators input and output are both in the form of observable.
  • Subject- This feature is similar to the EventEmitter. It is used for multicasting a value or an event to multiple Observers.
  • Schedulers- This feature helps in controlling concurrency. They are centralized dispatchers that enable control of the execution of the subscription when it begins.

The RxJs is a highly efficient JavaScript library that helps in handling errors, name conventions for observables, and also help retry failed observables. Programmers equipped with the working of RxJs can efficiently write a program and create better software applications.

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So wait no more. Learn all the hooks of programming languages and their tools with Edureify.

Some FAQs on RxJs-

1. What is the full form of RxJs?

RxJs stands for Reactive Extension for JavaScript.

2. What are RxJs?

RxJs is a Reactive Programming JavaScript library that works with asynchronous data calls, event-based programs, and callbacks. RxJs implements the observable type which is a requirement till the type becomes a part of the language and is supported by the browser.

3. What is Reactive Programming?

Reactive Programming is a declarative programming library that helps with data streams and bringing changes. Reactive Programming is a unique way of building software applications. The program has a unique way of expressing static arrays and even dynamic event emitters data streams.

4. Mention some of the functionalities of RxJs.

Some of the functionalities of RxJs are-

  • Convert the existing code for async operations into observables
  • Repeat the values in a stream
  • Different types of mapping values
  • Streams filtering
  • Generate multiple streams

5. From where can I learn more about RxJs?

Edureify with its best coding Bootcamp offers the best coding courses in different programming languages. Learn all about RxJs with Edureify.

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