A frontend framework, Bootstrap is a tool that developers use for web development. Created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, Bootstrap is meant to bring consistency across the various libraries in web development.

Edureify, an AI Learning App, is coming up with new technology-oriented courses to help budding minds to better learn and grow into their desired careers. Interested students can avail of Edureify’s coding site to check out the various available courses, Bootstrap is one of the important courses to take.

Edureify’s Bootstrap course is very beneficial for students who want to learn all the important tools needed to become an efficient web developers. Read on to know the detail of the Bootstrap course of Edureify.


What is Bootstrap?

“Bootstrap is a popular open-source, front-end framework that uses CSS and HTML based designs. Bootstrap is implemented in the front-end application that includes topography, forms, interface components, and JavaScript plugins.” In 2014, the latest version of Bootstrap 4 was released.


Bootstrap Uses

Bootstrap, the most popular CSS Framework, is mainly used for developing responsive and mobile-first websites. It enables developers to build faster and more efficient websites.

Bootstrap is used for creating layouts. Some of this feature’s uses are-

  •   Its responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops
  •   It has mobile-first styles are part of its framework
  •   It is compatible with all modern browsers

Some of the other uses or efficiency of Bootstrap are-

  •   It has a big community and friendly support
  •   It is easy to set up and creates a working layout in very less time
  •   It is not compulsory for one to know HTML or CSS to use Bootstrap, its only an added benefit if one has prior knowledge of backend development
  •   Its customizable
  •   Helps in better documentation
  •   It offers a lot of helper classes that enable the development of a responsive website
  •   Its components are well-adopted to the ecosystem of popular JS MVC frameworks like Angular


Why Learn Bootstrap?

Candidates can take the Bootstrap course with Edureify to learn the following-

  •   Its powerful grid system– Bootstrap is built with Flexbox which is user-friendly and enables Bootstrap to be one of the best responsive, mobile-first grid systems. Bootstrap Grid component is handy for quick prototyping.
  •   Enables rapid development- Bootstrap has many reusable CSS and JavaScript components. This feature helps in achieving the functionality needed in any kind of website.
  •   Browser compatibility- Students will learn the user interface of Bootstrap that makes it possible to be used in the latest and stable browsers and platforms.
  •   Customizable- Developers adept with Bootstrap can customize various designs, and can override all of its CSS and default JavaScript behavior.

With Edureify’s Bootstrap course, students will learn-

  •   Its components and plugins
  •   How to customize them through options like Sass and Less
  •   Learn to create demo websites


Build your career

Edureify’s programming courses like Bootstrap will sharpen the students’ skills to make them adept with better web development tools. Along with teaching the course properly, Edureify will also help in the following ways-

  •   Build e-portfolio: Edureify will help you create your e-portfolio which is a file that will contain all the projects a student completes and the skills they acquire during the course. This e-portfolio is shareable across social media which will help students show their expertise to potential recruiters.
  •   Resume Building and Interview Preparation: Edureify will also make sure to help make a student’s resume that will highlight their skills and expertise, and also their previous professional experience. We will also guide students in their interviews with our interview preparation sessions.
  •   Job: Taking a course with Edureify gives the students access to the Edureify Job Board. 1200+ organizations are supporting us by giving opportunities to our students with a job or internship with good annual pay.
  •   Career Guidance: Edureify has professional mentors who have transitioned to prestigious roles in the industry. Candidates will benefit from their guidance on how to build a rewarding career.


Edureify aims to provide all the latest technical courses to the students who wish to embark on their programming journey. Learn Bootstrap with Edureify and begin your coding journey today.

Edureify has also drafted such course-specific informative articles on HTML symbols, Node.js, SQL, CSS, JavaScript, and more topics to help students learn more about such topics.  

Some FAQs on Bootstrap-

1. What is Bootstrap?

“Bootstrap is a popular open-source, front-end framework that uses CSS and HTML based designs. Bootstrap is implemented in the front-end application that includes topography, forms, interface components, and JavaScript plugins.”

2. Are there any prerequisites to learning Bootstrap?

There are no particular prerequisites to learning Bootstrap. But having some knowledge about CSS and HTML can be beneficial to better grasp the concept.

3. Is Bootstrap used for back-end development?

No, the Bootstrap framework is designed for front-end application development.

4. Is Bootstrap open source?

Yes, Bootstrap is open source.

5. Where can I take a Bootstrap course?

Edureify has the best Bootstrap course to help students learn about the tool for better web development. 

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