Score 150-200 Marks in JEE Mains


If you are preparing for JEE Main, then you must have some idea that scoring 150-200 marks is a pretty good score. Candidates often worry about the process through which they can score marks, but it is very simple to do if you follow the right strategy. Here are some of the preparation tips which will help you in scoring 150-200 in JEE Main:-

  • Research on the topics that are in high demand. For this, you must refer to the previous year’s question paper and gain an idea about the topics that have a high weightage in the examination.
  • Don’t be in a state of confusion when it comes to the basics. Focus on NCERTs and complete them twice or thrice. Keep on revising the static part by allocating proper time every day.
  • Do a planned way of studying for IIT JEE Main. Make a timetable and make sure that you have given enough time for each of the subjects.
  • You must focus on your accuracy also. Solving the questions within the time limit can increase your chances of scoring high.
  • Make smart decisions while answering. Take the risk of marking a question only when you are fully aware of it or you know 50% of it. Negative marking can cost your score and thus candidates need to be very careful with this.
  • Try to complete 80% of the question paper. This will give you an extra edge over other candidates.
  • Keep revising all the formulas 2-3 times a week. The JEE Main is entirely formula based and regular revision is a must in this case.
  • Practice regular mock tests and analyze your performance in the tests. Try to improve with every test that you appear for. 

How Can Edureify Help?

Are you eagerly waiting for the one-stop solution that can help you in scoring 200 plus? Edureify will help you in doing so by providing the best mock tests for the JEE Main subjects. You can avail the yearly or the quarterly pass and then set yourself in a constant mode of revision and attempting tests. Visit Edureify to buy the best test and start giving a mock test now.

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