Being computer-friendly is no longer only limited to knowing how to use certain software like Microsoft, Excel, Paint, Google, and the likes. These days, especially competitive government exam aspirants, people need to know a lot more than just how to use a computer. 

Computer language is one of the most needed languages these days. It is slowly becoming a part of the modern linguistic family. Competitive government exams, those that have Computer Awareness as a part of their syllabus, frame their question papers in such a way that it tests the aspirant’s detailed knowledge about the computer language and abbreviations.

Edureify understands the need for computer language and how to help students to better understand the concept.

Most Important Computer Related Full Forms – You Should Know

Following is the table containing the 100 computer abbreviations-

S. No. Computer Abbreviation Full Form
1 AAC Advanced Audio Coding
2 ABR Average Bit Rate
3 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
4 AGP Advanced Graphics Port
5 AI Artificial Intelligence
6 AIM AOL Instant Messenger
7 ALGOL Algorithmic Language
8 BASIC Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
9 BCC Blind Carbon Copy
10 BCD Binary Coded Decimal
11 BCR Bar Code Reader
12 BDSL Broadband DSL
13 BEDO Burst Extended Data Out (RAM)
14 CC Carbon Copy
15 CD Compact Disk
16 CD-R Compact Disk – Recordable
17 CDROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
18 CDRW Compact Disk Rewritable
19 CD-WO Compact Disk – Write Once
20 CD-XA Compact Disk – Extended Architecture
21 CGI-BIN Common Gateway Interface – Binary (programming for Web forms)
22 CIS CompuServe Information Service
23 CISC Complex Instructions Set Computers
24 CMD Command
25 CMYK Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (color model)
26 CNM Circulatory Network Mode
27 DAC Data Acquisition and Control 
28 DAT Digital Audio Tape
29 dB Decibel
30 DBMS Data Base Management System
31 DDL Data Definition Language
32 DHTML Dynamics Hyper Text Markup Language
33 DML Data Manipulation Language
34 DNS Domain Name System
35 DOC Data Optimizing Computer
36 Doc Document
37 DOS Disk Operating System
38 E-Commerce Electronic Commerce
39 EDC Electronic Digital Computer
40 EDI Electronic Data Interchange
41 EDP Electronic Data Processing
42 FDD Floppy Disk Drive
43 GB Giga Byte
44 GDI Graphical Device Interface
45 GUI Graphical User Interface
46 HD Hard Disk
47 HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
48 HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
49 I/O Input/Output (serial and parallel ports)
50 IC Integrated Circuit
51 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
52 INTEL Integrated Electronics
53 IOP Input Output Processor
54 IP Internet Protocol
55 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 
57 Kbps Kilobits/Kilobytes Per Second
58 LAN Local Area Network
59 LED Light Emitting Diode
60 LLL Low Level Language
61 LPT Line Printer
62 MAC Media Access Control
63 MAN Metropolitan Area Network
64 MB Motherboard/ Megabyte
65 MBASIC Microsoft BASIC (Microsoft)
66 MBPS Megabytes Per Second
67 Mbps Megabits Per Second
68 NAT Network Address Translation
69 NTP Network Time Protocol
70 OCR Optical Character Reader 
71 OMR Optical Mark Reader
72 OOP Object Oriented Programming
73 PCB Printer Circuit Board
74 PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
75 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
76 PIXEL Picture Element
77 PNG Portable Network Graphics
78 RAM Random Access Memory
79 RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
80 RDBMS Relational Data Base Management System
81 RIP Routing Information Protocol
82 SAM Software Asset Management
83 SAN Storage Area Network
84 SCSI Small Computer System Interface 
85 SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
86 SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
87 SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
88 SGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAM
89 SIP Session Initiation Protocol
90 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
91 UI User Interface
92 URL Uniform Resource Locator
93 USB Universal Serial Bus
94 VCD Video Compact Disk
95 VDU Visual Display Unit
96 VIRUS Vital Information Resource Under Siege
97 WAN Wide Area Network
98 WIFI Wireless fidelity
99 XHTML Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language
100 FORTRAN Formula Translation


For better preparation, Edureify has a complete list of the computer abbreviations. Here is the pdf containing the complete list of computer abbreviations.

Computer Abbreviations for Competitive Government Exams – Download the PDF of the complete list of abbreviations.

Edureify has also brought for all some basic information about Computer Language and Computer in general.

What is the definition of computer programming language?

The most easy-to-understand definition of computer programming language is:

 “It is a language of various kinds that are used to express a set of detailed instructions for a digital computer”. 

These languages can either be given directly when it is in the computer manufacturer-specific numerical form, also known as machine language or after a simple substitution process, can be expressed in a corresponding assembly language. 

What are some of the most widely used computer programming languages?

Some of the most widely used computer programming languages are-

  • Java 
  • C++
  • C#
  • Python 
  • JavaScript
  • Visual Basic 
  • SQL
  • PHP
  • Assembly Language 
  •  Groovy 
  • R

Which is the oldest computer programming language?

The C computer language is the most ‘senior’ computer language. First released in 1972, C language is a high-level procedural language that is most widely used and has influenced many other computer languages like C++, C#, Java, Python, and more. C language is still relatively complex and is mainly used for creating system applications. Operating systems like Windows and Linux use a lot of C language. 


Computer languages are a much-needed tool that assists in running big systems efficiently. For exam purposes, knowing the various kinds of computer programming languages is important for JEE aspirants. 

Knowledge of Computer Abbreviations is needed for aspirants appearing for banking, railways, and other such competitive exams. Edureify hopes that these contents and pdf are useful for better preparation of your exams, and with Edureify by your side, one will not need to go look elsewhere for more educational content.


Some FAQs about Computer Abbreviations 

1. Where can I find the complete list of Computer Abbreviation terms?

Edureify! We have got the entire list of the terms that are important for students appearing for various competitive government exams.

2. What exams require knowledge of computer abbreviations?

Various Banking exams, SSC, Railways, and more require their candidates to be aware of computer language and computer abbreviations. 

3. What does ALGOL stand for?

ALGOL stands for Arithmic Language.

4. What does BEDO stand for?

BEDO stands for Burst Extended Data Out (RAM)

5. Out of the following, which is the right full form of CMYK?

i. Compact Disk Rewritable

ii. Complex Instructions Set Computers

iii. Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (color model)

iv. Common Business Oriented Language

6. Out of the following, which is the right full form of EROM?

i. Electronic Data Processing 

ii. Erasable Read Only Memory

iii. Electronic Mail 

iv. Electronic Digital Computer 

For more content related to computer knowledge, also read our Basic Knowledge About Computer Shortcut Keys.

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