Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Java is a key component for web and application development. It’s a professional tool that in itself has many components and concepts in its use.
Edureify, the best AI Learning App has earlier talked about the Java Programming Language. In this article, Edureify presents an important feature of Java, the Java Array.
What is Java Array?
Array refers to a data structure that contains the same types of data or contains homogenous elements. Java Array works differently than in C/ C++. Some important points about Java Array are-
- Arrays are located dynamically
- Arrays are objects in Java. Hence, one can find their length using the object property length. Again, it is different from C/ C++ where ‘sizeof’ is used to find the length.
- Java Array variable can also be declared using [] after the data type
- In the Array, the variables are ordered and the array has an index beginning from 0.
- Java Array can also be used in these three ways- Static Field, Local Variable, and Method Parameter.
- Java Array size needs to be specified by int or short value and not long value
- Object is the direct superclass of an Array
Features of an Array
There are three main features of an array-
- Dynamic Allocation- This feature helps in reducing the amount of storage required for the code because in arrays memory is created dynamically.
- Elements are stored under a single name- In array, all the elements are stored under the same name.
- Occupies Contiguous Location- To make it easy for the users to find the locations of the elements in the array, the elements are stored at adjacent positions.
Types of Arrays
As per the requirement of a program, there are three types of arrays to choose from-
- One-Dimensional Array-
In this type, the elements are stored in a single row. A One-Dimensional Array is also known as a linear array.
- Two-Dimensional Array-
In this type, data is stored in rows and columns.
- Multi-Dimensional Array-
This array type is a combination of two or more arrays or nested arrays.
Define an Array in Java
To define and declare arrays in Java are simple. For that, we need to first define the array. Java Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable without providing separate variables for each value.
To declare an array, square brackets [] are used to define the variable type.
The syntax for it goes like this-
type var name[];
type[] var-name;
Here, var-name is the variable name of the array and the type is int, String, double or long.
Declaration of an Array
An array declaration consists of two components-
- Array’s type
- Array’s name
Example of Array’s Type: it is written as type[], where type is the data type of the contained element and the brackets indicate that the variable holds an array.
For Array’s Name, it can be according to the choice of the user that follows the rules and conditions of the naming properties.
One can declare, instantiate and initialize the Java Array together with the following example:
{33,3,4,5};//declaration, instantiation and initialization
Access in Java Array
Each variable in the Java Array is called an element. Users can access the elements in the Java Array via its index. One can access the array element by referring to the index number.
For example:
String[] cars = {“Volvo” , “BMW”};
// Outputs Volvo
Uses of Java Arrays
The following actions can be performed using Java Arrays-
- Addition
- Multiplication
- Copying
- Cloning
- Binary Search
Binary Search Using Java Array
For a better understanding of the array, it is recommended to learn about binary search algorithms. To find an element in the array the binary search algorithm is used. The algorithm divides the array in half and requires the elements in the array to be in ascending order. After dividing the array in half, the value of the element and the middle element of the array is compared.
In the result, if it shows the value of the element is smaller than the value of the mid element, the greater half of the array is not considered, and the rest of the search is carried in the lower half in the same process.
Here was the discussion on Java Array. Edureify has more informative articles on JavaScript, SQL, Node.js, Web Development, and more to pique the minds of the students interested in coding. With our Learn Coding section, students can also take up any course of their choice to learn the ropes to becoming an eligible web or application developer.
Some FAQs on Java Array-
1. What is Java?
Java is a programming language first developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems Inc. in 1995. Java enables writing, compiling, and debugging programs easily.
2. What is Java Array?
Java Array refers to a data structure that contains the same types of data or contains homogenous elements. Java Array works differently than in C/ C++.
3. Mention the types of Java Array.
There are three types of Java Array. They are-
- One-Dimensional Array
- Two-Dimensional Array
- Multi-Dimensional Array
4. Mention some of the uses of Java Array.
Some of the uses of Java Array are-
- Addition
- Multiplication
- Copying
- Cloning
- Binary Search
5. From where can I learn more about Java?
Edureify has all the important courses, study materials, and informative articles on Java for students to take and read. Learn more about Java with Edureify.
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