JEE Mains EXAM 2022
JEE Mains EXAM 2022

The JEE Mains Session One ended a few days back and without any delay, the National Testing Agency is going to conduct session two of JEE Mains from 25th July, 2022. Candidates who missed from giving the best performance in session one can give their best in session two. Edureify, the best AI learning app provides every possible help and the best study material in the form of test series for JEE Mains. Reading basic sources and then revising through the best test series from Edureify will immensely help you in scoring good marks in the examination.

IIT JEE Examination Eligibility Criteria 2022

The candidates who wish to apply for the examination must fulfill certain eligibility criteria as mentioned in the official notification.

Age Limit

There is no age limit for appearing in the IIT JEE Examination. Any candidate who has passed Class 12th or any equivalent degree in 2020, 2021, or 2022(appearing) can apply for the examination.

Educational Qualifications

The educational qualifications with which every candidate needs to comply with is:-

  • Candidates should have passed Class 12th in any of the last three consecutive years(Including the present one)
  • The candidates who are in the final year or appearing for Class 12th are also eligible for the same.
  • The candidates must have Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry as the compulsory subjects at the Intermediate level.

Also read about the JEE Main Physics Syllabus which has the complete and the latest updated information. 


The candidates must be a citizen of India. Other national candidates are not allowed to appear for the examination. The candidates will have to produce documents in support of their nationality.

You must know the correct strategy through which you can score 150-200 marks easily.

IIT JEE Exam Pattern 2022

Go through the examination pattern for both the papers involved in the examination.


Paper 1


Subjects Section A Section B Duration
Chemistry 20 10 3 hours

No negative marking in Section B

Physics 20 10
Mathematics 20 10
Total 90


Paper 2 A(B.Arch)


Subjects Section A Section B Duration
Mathematics 20 10 Three hours
Aptitude Test(Part 2) 25 25
Drawing Test(Part 3) 02 _
Total 82


Subjects Section A Section B Duration
Mathematics 20 10 3 hours
Aptitude 25 25
Planning 25
Total 105


How to Apply for IIT JEE Examination 2022?

Candidates can apply for the IIT JEE Examination through the official website i.e. the National Board of Education. They will have to register and then provide all the details which are asked. Once the details are provided, pay the online application fees and then apply.

JEE Mains Syllabus

Maths Syllabus

  • Complex numbers and quadratic equations
  • Differential equations
  • Matrices and determinants
  • Binomial theorem and its simple applications
  • Sets, relations, and functions
  • Sequence and Series
  • Mathematical induction
  • Vector algebra
  • Permutations and combinations
  • Statistics and probability
  • Mathematical reasoning
  • Trigonometry
  • Limit, continuity, and differentiability
  • Coordinate geometry
  • Integral calculus
  • Three-dimensional geometry

Also read about the IIT JEE Advanced syllabus and other important information related to the same.

Physics Syllabus

  • Physics and measurement
  • Vernier callipers-its use to measure the internal and external diameter and depth of a vessel
  • Rotational motion
  • Screw gauge-its use to determine the thickness/ diameter of a thin sheet/wire.
  • Thermodynamics
  • Simple Pendulum-dissipation of energy by plotting a graph between the square of amplitude and time.
  • Kinematics
  • Metre Scale – the mass of a given object by the principle of moments.
  • Work, energy, and power
  • Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a metallic wire.
  • Properties of solids and liquids
  • The surface tension of water by capillary rise and effect of detergents.
  • Gravitation
  • Coefficient of Viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity of a given spherical body
  • Laws of motion
  • Plotting a cooling curve for the relationship between the temperature of a hot body and time
  • Oscillations and waves
  • Speed of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance tube
  • Electronic devices
  • Specific heat capacity of a given (i) solid and (ii) liquid by method of mixtures.
  • Kinetic theory of gases
  • The resistivity of the material of a given wire using a meter bridge.
  • Current electricity
  • The resistance of a given wire using Ohm’s law.
  • Communication systems
  • Potentiometer
  • (i) Comparison of emf of two primary cells.
  • (ii) Determination of internal resistance of a cell.
  • Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
  • Resistance and figure of merit of a galvanometer by half deflection method.
  • Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
  • The focal length of; (i) Convex mirror (ii) Concave mirror, and (ii) Convex lens, using the parallax method
  • Optics
  • The plot of the angle of deviation vs angle of incidence for a triangular prism.
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Refractive index of a glass slab using a travelling microscope.
  • Atoms and nuclei
  • Characteristic curves of a p-n junction diode in forward and reverse bias
  • Electrostatics
  • Characteristic curves of a Zener diode and finding reverse breakdown voltage.

Session 2 of JEE Mains will be more easier if you have an idea about the pattern of questions asked in the session one. Go through the analysis of the question paper of session one and have a more accurate idea.

Chemistry Syllabus

  • Some basic concepts in chemistry
  • Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
  • Purification and characterization of organic compounds
  • States of matter
  • Hydrogen
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Atomic structure
  • Block elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals)
  • Chemistry in everyday life
  • Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  • P Block elements group 13 to group 18 elements
  • Principles related to practical chemistry
  • Chemical thermodynamics
  • d- and f – block elements
  • Organic compounds containing halogens
  • Solutions
  • Coordination compounds
  • Organic compounds containing oxygen
  • Equilibrium
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Organic compounds containing nitrogen
  • Redox reactions and electrochemistry
  • General principles and processes of isolation of metals
  • Polymers
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Some basic principles of organic chemistry
  • Surface chemistry
  • Biomolecules

Note:- JEE Mains Session 2 Admit card has been released and all the candidates can download the admit card from the official website of the NTA.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q:-Is there any negative marking in JEE?

Answer: According to the NTA JEE Main 2022 exam pattern, for Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Students are given four marks for each correct answer and there will be a negative marking of one mark for each incorrect answer.

Q:-What are the qualifying marks in JEE Mains?

Ans:- The tentative qualifying marks for GEN category (common rank list) students is 89.75 for GEN (EWS category) is 78.21, for OBC-NCL is 74.31, for SC is 54, 44 for ST & 0.11371730 for PWD candidates(as per last year).

Q:- Is 150 a good score in JEE Mains?

Ans:- 150-200 marks is considered good in JEE Main. As per previous years JEE Main cut-offs and rank analysis, the score between 150-200 will likely get you admission in top NITs. You will also get qualified for JEE Advanced and IITs. Scoring 150 or 200 marks is not difficult in JEE Main.

Q:- What is the age limit for JEE?

Ans:- For appearing in the JEE (Main) – 2022, there is no age limit for the candidates. The candidates who have passed the class 12/equivalent examination in 2020, 2021, or appearing in 2022 irrespective of their age can appear in JEE (Main) – 2022 examination.


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