Node.js, developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009, is a server-side platform that is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript engine. In today’s software and tech-oriented world, Node.js is one of the many tools that enables developers, programmers, data analysts, and software engineers to make applications that require data compression.

Edureify has come up with various coding courses that cater to the needs of the various technology-oriented students who would like to learn about the various tools used in web development. The Node.js course by Edureify aims to help interested candidates learn about the coding tool in detail to become efficient in using it professionally.

In this article, we bring to you the details of the Node.js course by Edureify and why it is an important software to know about.


What is Node.js?

“Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.”

Some of the features of Node.js are-

  • It is an open source server environment
  • It is free to use
  • It can run on various platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and more
  • It uses JavaScript on the server


Difference between Node.js and JavaScript

Following is a table that explains the difference between Node.js and JavaScript-

S.No. Node.js JavaScript
1. It is an interpreter that runs time environment for JavaScript It is a programming or scripting language used to write scripts on the website
2. It used for asynchronous or non-blocking operations of any operating system It is used for the client side activity of a web application
3. It runs on Chrome V8 Runs on Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and more
4. The Node codes can be run outside the browser JavaScript can only run in a browser
5. It works on the back-end development It works on the front-end development
6. It is not compatible to add HTML tags It can add HTML tags and DOM
7. It is written in C, C++, and JavaScript It is an upgraded version of the EMCA script that uses Chrome’s V8 engine and is written in C++
8. Some of its modules are- Lodash, express, etc. Some of its frameworks are- RamdaJS, TypedJS, etc.


Why Learn Node.js?

The key to being a good web programmer is to be efficient, save time, and make a user-friendly interface. The key requirement to learning Node.js is that it is a platform that fills a particular need rather not a new platform that dominates the web development world.

By taking the Node.js course with Edureify, students will get learn how the tool handles a file request in the following ways-

  • It sends the task to the computer’s file system
  • While on that task, it gets ready to handle the next request
  • After the file system opens and the file is read, the server returns the content to the client

The students will also get to learn the following about Node.js-

  • It can generate dynamic page content
  • It can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
  • It collects forms of data
  • It enables one to add, delete, and modify the data on the database


Learn the framework and tools of Node.js with Edureify

Those who take the Node.js course with Edureify will learn the framework and tools of the software. Some of the frameworks and tools of Node.js that students will learn are as follows-

  • AdonisJS– One of the fastest frameworks of Node.js, AdoniJS is a TypeScript-based fully featured framework that focuses on the developer ergonomics, stability, and confidence.
  • Egg.js- It helps build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Koa and Node.js.
  • Express– This tool provides one of the most simple yet powerful ways to create a web server. It has a very minimalist approach that focuses on the core features of a server.
  • Fastify– It is one of the fastest Node.js web frameworks. It focuses on providing the best developer experience with minimal overhead and a powerful plugin architecture.
  • FeatherJS – It is a very lightweight web framework that creates real-time applications and REST APIs by using JavaScript or TypeScript.

Some of the other frameworks and tools that Edureify will teach are-

  • Gatsby
  • Hapi
  • Koa
  • io
  • Meteor
  • Micro
  • NestJS
  • js
  • Nx
  • Remix
  • Sapper
  • io
  • Strapi


Build your career

Helping students build a strong ground for their software and web development journey, Edureify provides the best online classes and study materials. Along with teaching with utmost care and perfection, taking courses with Edureify will also give the following benefits to the students-

  • Build e-portfolio: Edureify will help you create your e-portfolio which is a file that will contain all the projects a student completes and the skills they acquire during the course. This e-portfolio is shareable across social media which will help students show their expertise to potential recruiters.
  • Resume Building and Interview Preparation: Edureify will also make sure to help make a student’s resume that will highlight their skills and expertise, and also their previous professional experience. We will also guide students in their interviews with our interview preparation sessions.
  • Job: Taking a course with Edureify gives the students access to the Edureify Job Board. 1200+ organizations are supporting us by giving opportunities to our students with a job or internship with good annual pay.
  • Career Guidance: Edureify has professional mentors who have transitioned to prestigious roles in the industry. Candidates will benefit from their guidance on how to build a rewarding career.


30 Node.js interview questions

As promised, Edureify courses indeed prepare the students for their professional careers with not just study materials but interview preparation also. Following are 30 interview questions regarding Nodes.js along with the answers for students to study-

  1. What is Nodes.js?

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

  1. Does one need to buy Nodes.js to use it?

No, Nodes.js is free to use and is released under the MIT license.

  1. What are the purposes of Nodes.js?

Some of the purposes of Nodes.js are-

  • Real-time web application
  • Network application
  • Distributed systems
  • General purpose applications
  1. Is Node a multiple threaded application?

No, Node is a single-threaded application that has event looping.

  1. Why use Node.js?

Some of the uses of Node.js are-

  • It is fast
  • Rarely blocks
  • Offers a unified data type and programming language
  • It is asynchronous
  • Yields to great coexistence
  1. What are the four layers of Node.js web application architecture?

The four layers of Node.js web application are-

  • Client layer
  • Server layer
  • Business layer
  • Data layer
  1. What does the term I/O mean?

I/O stands for input and output.

  1. Mention the two types of API functions available in Node.js.

The two types of API functions are-

  • Non-blocking functions, asynchronous
  • Blocking functions, synchronous
  1. Why is Nodes.js single-threaded?

Nodes.js has event looping single-threaded applications for async processing.

  1. What is ‘Callback hell’ in Nodes?

The ‘Callback hell’ is a function that creates problems for JavaScript developers. It occurs when one tries to execute multiple asynchronous actions.

  1. How is Node.js better than other frameworks?

Nodes.js is better than other popular frameworks because-

  • Makes development simple with its non-blocking, I/O, and event-based model. It is time-efficient.
  • It can run on chrome V8 engine that is programmed in C++ language. This enables to enhance performance with constant improvement.
  • Uses JavaScript in both front-end and back-end development which makes it much faster.
  • Provides many libraries.
  1. What are the applications that frequently use Node.js?

Some of the frequently used Node.js applications are-

  • Internet of Things
  • Real-time chats
  • Real-time collaboration tools
  • Streaming applications
  • Microservices architecture
  • Complex SPAs (Single-Page Applications), and more.
  1. Mention some of the commonly used timing features of Node.js.

Some of the commonly used timing features of Node.js are-

  • setTimeout/ clearTimeout- it is used to implement delays in the code execution.
  • setInterval/ clearInterval- it is used to run a code block multiple times in an application.
  • setImmediate/ clearImmediate- it is used to set the execution of a code at the end of the event loop cycle.
  • nextTick- it sets the execution of the code at the beginning of the next event loop cycle.
  1. Mention the advantages of using promises instead of callbacks.

The advantages are-

  • It is more specified and structured because of its controlled flow of asynchronous logic.
  • Has low coupling
  • Has built-in error handling
  • Readability is improved
  1. What is NPM?

NPM stands for Node Package Manger that is responsible for managing the packages and modules for Nodes.

  1. What are the two functions provided by NPM?

The two functions of NPM are-

  • It provides online repositories for Node packages or modules
  • Provides command-line utility to install Node packages and also manage Node.js versions and dependencies
  1. Mention some of the core modules of Node.js.

Some of the core modules of Nodes are-

  • HTTP
  • util
  • fs
  • url
  • query string
  • stream
  • zlib
  1. Which is the most popularly used database with Nodes?

MongoDB is the most popularly used database with Nodes.

  1. What are the features of MongoDB?

Some of the features of MongoDB for it to be a popularly used database with Nodes are-

  • It is a NoSQL
  • It is cross-platform
  • Is document-oriented database
  • Provides high performance
  • Has high availability
  • Has easy scalability
  1. Mention the most commonly used libraries in Nodes.

The commonly used libraries in Node.js are-

  • ExpressJS- helps in developing mobile and web applications
  • Mongoose- connects an application to a database
  1. What are the pros of Node.js?

The pros of Node.js are-

  • It is fast processing
  • Event-based model
  • Uses JavaScript, a tool popular amongst developers
  • NPM provides functionality to an application and has over 50,000 packages
  • Is suited for streaming huge amounts of data and I/O intensive operations
  1. What are the cons of Node.js?

The cons of Node.js are-

  • Not adapted for heavy computational tasks
  • Using callback is difficult as one can end up with several nested callbacks
  • Relational database dealing is not a suitable option for Node.js
  • Being single-threaded, CPU intensive tasks are not its forte
  1. Which command is used to import external libraries?

The “require” command is used for importing external libraries.

  1. What is front-end development?

Following are the features of front-end development-

  • It refers to the client-side of an application
  • It is a part of the web application that users can see and interact with
  • Includes everything that attributes to the visual aspects of a web application
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, and ReactJS are essential for frontend development
  1. What is back-end development?

Following are the features of back-end development-

  • It refers to the server side of an application
  • Constitutes all the works that happen behind the scenes
  • Includes a web server that communicates with a database to serve requests
  • Java, PHP, Python, and Node.js are backend development technologies
  1. How can callbacks be avoided?

Callbacks can be avoided with any of the following options-

  • Use modularization
  • Use promises
  • Use yield with Generators and Promises
  1. Is Debugger provided by Node.js?

Yes, Nodes provides simple TCP based protocol and built-in debugging client.

  1. What is control flow function?

It is a generic piece of code that runs between several asynchronous function cells.

  1. How is the function calls controlled by Control Flow?

Function calls is controlled by control flow in the following ways-

  • Controls the order of execution
  • Collects data
  • Limits concurrency
  • Calls the next step in a program
  1. Is DOM accessible in Nodes?

No, DOM is not accessible in Nodes.


Edureify, the best AI Learning app is also growing and evolving to provide all the technical courses to the students. With the Node.js course, students will be able to sharpen their skills in using the tool efficiently to become successful web developers. Being knowledgeable with such a tool will improve career opportunities also.

Students can also check out our JavaScript, SQL, HTML, PHP, Java Programming Language, and other Computer Abbreviation articles to know more about the courses and requirements of such courses with Edureify.


Some FAQs about Node.js-

1. What is the definition of Node.js?

“Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.”

2. Mention five frameworks or tools of Node.js.

Five Node.js frameworks or tools are-

  • js
  • Express
  • Fastify
  • Koa
  • Meteor

3. What is the key functioning of learning Node.js?

The key requirement to learning Node.js is that it is a platform that fills a particular need rather not a new platform that dominates the web development world. Node.js helps in saving time and being efficient in web development.

4. What is the relation between JavaScript and Node.js?

Node.js is one of the libraries of JavaScript.

5. From where can I take the Node.js course?

Edureify has a string of software and coding courses like Node.js that students who are interested in coding can take up and learn in detail about the tools and software.


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